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Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret (Leah and Aaron) novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 


Da mn it… say something, Leah! 

She’s staring like a deer in the headlights, and the cliche is appropriate. But you don’t want to be frozen prey, not in this 


“Let’s give Leah a round of applause,” I shout. 

The whole room turns to face me. 

Scowls and di rty looks outnumber the shocked expressions. 

I grin. “Come on, she kept my a ss in line for a decade. Just imagine what miracles she’ll work back here among her 


Laughter echoes through the room and gradually people cheer and clap wholeheartedly. 

I’m not trying to steal her spotlight. That’s not my intent. She needs to stand on her own feet. I never wanted to actually 

break this woman. Bend her, sure. Over most any piece of 

furniture in the vicinity. 

Because it’s her will that’s always been sexiest to me. 

I arch a brow at Leah now. Let’s go, honey. Get on with it. 

“My friends,” she begins. Her voice is strong and it silences the room instantly. Did she put force behind the words, I wonder? I feel…something. 

“I’ve missed you in the many years I was pledged for peace. And though I wish my father was still alive and here to shepherd Pack Roberts into the next century, I accept the responsibility he bestowed upon me. And I do not take it lightly.” 

All right, she’s off to a good start. 

“I’ve learned a lot about what it means to be an Alpha. First and foremost, it’s a sacrifice. It’s setting the needs of the pack above all else. And I pledge to you that I will continue to do that until my last breath.” 

Is that what her marriage to me was, a sacrifice? 

I h ate to think of our years together as that. 

I rub my chest. My wolf is agitated. 

“Now,” Leah smiles crookedly. “Let’s get the elephant out of the 

room, shall we? I’m human.” 

There are some mock gasps from the crowd. 

“I know!” she says. “Shocking. And…” she leans forward conspiratorially. “Female.” 

More gasps. This time with some laughter. 

“But here’s the thing,” Leah says. “Pack Roberts doesn’t need a leader based on gender. Pack Roberts doesn’t need a vicious warrior like my father before me. We’ve made our peace with our sworn enemy. Isn’t that right, Alpha Aaron?” 

Da mn. Leah. Way to put me on the spot. 

Every head swivels in my direction. 


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