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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO novel Chapter 82

Fvck Me 

Irvin immediately parked and called again,” boss!” 

“This is the second time I‘m seeing you with my woman. It‘s even more suspicious that you brought her to this private place,” Broderick said. 

“She‘s my sister,” Irvin responded and Broderick was surprised. “I lost her many years ago when I ran away from home. But I‘m glad I found her now.” 

“What did you think I‘m supposed to know about this sister of yours?” Broderick asked. Thinking that there were some things that Amy might be hiding from him but would definitely tell her brother. 

“We haven‘t really spoken much. I confirmed she‘s my sister today and we plan to meet again in the future,” Irvin said. 

“Drive,” Broderick said and Irvin began to drive. 

“What‘s her real name?” Broderick suddenly asked as they drive. “I don‘t believe her real name is Cleo. If she‘s truly your sister, you should know her real name. Brett made a research of her name in the data base of all the names of every citizen of NorthHill but her name can not be found. Her parents are not reachable either.” Broderick said. 

Irvin knew that Amy wanted him to keep her identity a secrete from everyone, yet, he had learnt to always speak the truth and the truth only to Broderick. Infact, he had never lied to him. Lie always bring distrust. Loyalty is one of the greatest virtue anyone can have in the underground world. 

“Boss...her name is really Cleo. Our lives are really complicated, but since we haven‘t get to have a lengthy talk, I don‘t really know much about her for now but one thing I‘m sure if is that, she‘s my sister,” Mike responded. 

“Did you remember the penalty for those that lie? If I ever find out that you lied to me, I‘ll kill you,” Broderick said. 

Irvin sighed secretly. 

Broderick then tell him to drop him at his main house, once he dropped him, he then drove away

Whereas, one of Michael‘s men was secretly monitoring Amy. He overheard the conversation that Amy and Irvin discussed and told it all to Michael Michael then trailed after Irvin and when Irvin‘s car was almost getting to BA‘s house, a car hit Irvin‘s car on the back making him press on the break suddenly. 

Irvin was so angry that he stormed out of his car, without bothering to know who was in the car that hit his car, he punched the side mirror and the windows of the driver‘s seat making the glass crash. 

Michael, who was inside the car that hit Irvin‘s car was stunned at his high temper, once he stepped down, Irvin held onto his cloth roughly, “you bastard, how dare you hit my car, you must pay.” 

“My name is...” 

Fvck Me 

He threw a heavy slap to his face before he could complete his statement, “I don‘t give a fuck whom your fore fathers are. You must pay twenty thousand dollar for this damage or I‘ll kill you and bury you over there.” 

Michael held his cheek that was burning heavily in pain. ‘How can someone‘s temper be this high?‘ he thought to himself and sighed. “Maybe I should give my men the go ahead to kill your sister,” Michael said. 

Irvin squinted his face as if trying to make a meaning of what he said. Michael saw that he had got his attention and then leaned by his car with a smirk on his face. 

“What sister are you talking about?” Irvin beleived that it was impossible for anyone to know about the fact that he has a sister cause even him just confirmed a couple of minutes ago and he had only told it to Broderick. And he beleived that Amy won‘t announce to anyone, it‘s barely an hour that they departed. 

“Amy! Amy Owen!” Michael smirked. 

Irvin was very shocked. Not only did this man know whom his sister was, he even know that Any wasn‘t dead and know Amy‘s real name and surname. Who the hell is this man?‘ Irvin wondered.

“You must be wondering how I know. Anyways, my name is Michael Alessandro.” 

“From the Alessandro‘s family?” 

“That‘s right.” Michael responded. “Let‘s not waste both of our times, I have a deal for you. You fulfil your own part and I‘ll fulfil mine,” he smiled. 

“What deal?” Irvin asked, standing firmly. Although Michael looked strange, he wasn‘t scared of him at all. The only person he was scared of in North Hill is Broderick. Whoever truly knows whom Broderick is will know that he‘s worthy to be feared. Irvin even considered Amy lucky to he close with him or it could be that Broderick didn‘t reveal hundred percent of his identity. The man is too powerful and mysterious both in the ungeround world and in other major continents of the world. 

“I want to marry your sister. Infact, I have asked for her hand in marriage and although she is obligated to accept my request, she‘s delaying for whatever reason best known to he. Yet, it‘s very important I get married to her as soon as I can.” Michael said. Michael quickly added,” if you can persuade her to accept my offer, I‘ll give you a blank cheque to write whatever amount you want. If what you want the most in life is not even money, state it and I‘ll grant your request.” 

“I have more money than you. You have no idea whom I am,” Irvin said. “My sister has the absolute choice to marry whom she wants. She knows better. I can only advise her not persuade her. With the way you presented yourself to me, I don‘t think you are a good man and if my sister gets married to you, I know you will only cause her pain.” “For the last time, ask for whatever you want and I‘ll grant it,” Michael said. Irvin smirked,” you are even threatening me? I feel like killing you right here already.” Irvin wanted to bring out his gun but he couldn‘t dare to point a gun to Michael who could be Broderick‘s brother. He didn‘t want to offend Broderick by being rude to his brother. He needs to know if Broderick is in good terms with Michael or if he is not in good terms with Michael

before he knows how to handle him,

“I‘m not fine at all. Where can we meet?” 


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