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Be Spoiled After Rebirth (Selena and Osvaldo) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102

The first thing that Zachary could think of was that the teachers sitting in the room could think of it.

The head teacher of the medical department frowned and stood up, “Headmaster, as you can see, she-” Before he could say anything, Amber interrupted him with a heavy slap on the table, she clasped her arms and stared at him with a bossy stare, asked with a sneer, “She is telling the truth. If you don’t do a good job yourselves, don’t blame her for not trusting you. Headmaster, I think this group of teachers in the medical department are too prejudiced against Selena, and as the person involved, they are not suitable to investigate this matter. Leave this matter to me, school has not yet started, and I am quite free recently, let this group of student- ”

She pointed to a group of people from the student council behind her, “To me.”

Selena’s delicate red lips curled and she instantly smiled.

As the most honourable young lady of the Riddle Group, her bow was really not something that just anyone could afford, except for her father and mother, and the teachers who had carefully taught her since she was young, she had never bowed to anyone else.

Today she bowed to those who had helped her for the girl whose body she had taken over, fulfilling her wish.

Of course, Selena was very satisfied with this unexpected gain.

The face of the head teacher of the medical department was gloomy, and the other teachers were panicked.

The two cheating incidents involved too many people, and they could find a way to cover up the situation if it was too



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