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Become Filthy Rich After Divorce novel Chapter 145

Ingford's bright stars, Caleb came in and saw Chester tossing back a glass of wine ......!

Caleb: "......" eyebrows, tightly knit!

Apparently, it's the first time I've seen this side of Chester! It's one thing that they haven't lived together much over the years.

And what's more important? Mostly, Chester has always been a very cold and hard person.

He and his mother Vanessa is a bit like a similar character, never happy or angry, all the emotions are hidden under that cold face.

He is clear and cold!

Yet today,he is ......!?

Just as Chester was about to tilt his head again, there was a force on his wrist and Caleb's voice mixed with a magical sound: "Don't drink."

See Caleb.

Chester's body is even more plummeting!

"Poof!" The wine in his hand splashed Caleb's face with his backhand.

Caleb: "......"

The cold, crisp smell of wine made him a little unresponsive.

The next moment "Boom!" The bottle, directly on his head down, 'buzzing' sound, the brain is blank.

And Chester, with his scarlet eyes!

At this moment, the scene is therefore instantly chaotic, just as he is about to raise the bottle again and swing it at Caleb, who is a bit confused by the beating.

This time, Caleb was quick to grab his wrist, and his tone was a bit of hidden anger: "

What are you doing?"


"Crazy, isn't it?"

The scene, the security response is very rapid, have been surging towards them, many guests saw the scene were scared.


One Night!

Sleep well!

Alina is like that, she always sleeps well when she sleeps with her little girl over the years.

The breakfast table, looking at the little thing has not come to the level of the change of the little pink nightie.

"Do you want Mommy to feed you?" Look at the little thing eating thoughtfully.

Especially she is so small, so Alina feel that the old look is very cute, in the end is their own daughter, how to look at the cute look.

The little thing shook its head: "No, eat your food!"

"......" eat her?

The tone!

Why do you feel more and more that this girl is more like Caleb in terms of temperament?

Thinking about that dog man makes Alina angry!

"Last night at the Starlight, Chester beat up Caleb, and he's still in the hospital."

"What the hell?" Alina looked at Andre without understanding.

Andre looked at her deeply at the moment, "What do you think they were fighting about?"


Alina didn't even understand what was going on when the two of them fought in a place like a nightclub, and now she was asked this by Andre, and it was like a torture with her soul.

Andre: "Yesterday

The day Penny's birthday party Chester found out you and I had a daughter, he beat Caleb up at night!"

"No, aren't those two things?"

"You don't think these two things are related?"

Is there a connection?

Alina's impression of Chester has always been very superficial, but now when Andre said so.

It seems to be true?

But it can't be! How is it possible that she and Chester only spent two or three times with each other, really?

"No, I think you're overreacting, Chester wouldn't be that kind of person." "Although she's gotten into that kind of trouble with Caleb.

But it must be said that they were once a couple.

This Chester seems to have no problems with his character in this area.

So now this reaction of Andre, let Alina is really some confusion.


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