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Become Filthy Rich After Divorce novel Chapter 151

Inside, the atmosphere was frozen.

Chester, "And you know that she was your wife?"

The word 'was' is very strong on Chester's lips.

The already cold air was instantly hardened by Chester's words.

Now not only Alina, but also Tomas was on the door. When they heard that Chester had beaten their boss, they were already in shock.

After all, Chester may be cold, but he's not a man who will just beat someone up.

Now it is clear why he did that.

With a complicated look in his eyes, he looked at the woman beside him, and instantly drew a breath of cold air.

"I'm remarried to her, we're in a marriage now." Caleb's stoic voice continued to come from inside as Tomas' inner turmoil continued.

It is clear that this patience has reached its limit.

"Then get rid of it."

Even through the door panel. Both of them could now feel the eerie coldness inside.

On hearing Chester's almost commanding voice telling Caleb to get rid of their marriage, she was completely stunned.

"Have you lost your mind?" Caleb's angry roar came from inside.

Now Tomas and Alina also feel that Chester has really gone mad.

How else could he say such things.

"In addition to the North Srey project, you can have the South Srey too."


"Caleb, don’t be greedy. You have to be responsible for what you do, and since it's lost, don't regret it."


"No, you didn't lose her. You abandoned her. Did she, indeed, willingly remarry you?"

Chester was right.

Alina wasn't voluntary for remarriage.

After what Caleb had done to her three years ago, she would have killed that man if she could.

How could she willingly remarry him?

This is simply not possible.

"Don't you go too far." Caleb uttered.

However, Chester's words continued, "Remember how Nova had her bone marrow and blood drawn before your eyes?"

At this moment, Alina's face instantly turned white and her hands unconsciously clenched into fists. There was a strong flash of hatred in her eyes.

To this day, the conversation in the study would still be fresh in her ears. If she hadn't overheard what he and Nova had said to each other, she had no idea what was going on. She always felt so tired and exhausted during that time.

The backbone always felt painful and she found out about the needle holes. She was going to ask Caleb about it.

No one knew how Alina came to be with the conversation he had with Nova in the study doorway.

"Remember who it was to be used to save?" The conversation inside was still sharply going on.


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