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Become Filthy Rich After Divorce novel Chapter 162

Alina has no idea how she got back to Mulherd Manor. Alice has returned.

When she saw Alina coming back from outside, she frowned, "You haven't been back all night."

"You're the one who didn't come back all night."

Alina rushed to sit beside her.

Alice, "What's wrong with you?"

Obviously, it was clear that Alina didn't look too good.

Alina, "I need to go back to Shirling right away."

That was the conclusion she had come to in her mind on the way back.

She has to go back to Shirling now.

Alice, "What's going on?"

Now Alina could not explain.

She then told Alice the whole story.

The more Alice listened, the more her heart rose to her throat, could not help but feel tense now.

"So, now Master Chester is going to fight Master Caleb because you went to AIG?"

What kind of a mess is this?

It's hard to think about it, or to believe it.

When she heard about the fight, Alina was going crazy.

"It seems that this Master Chester is serious about you, which would explain why he was the only one who objected back then."

"But I..."

"Don't say that in front of him, or you'll be in trouble." Alice knew what Alina meant.

What she meant was that she didn't know Master Chester well at all.

Alina's mind is in a muddle.

And she doesn’t know what to say.

"But I really haven't seen much of him before." There was something helpless and devastating about that statement.

She was telling the truth.

She hadn't really met Chester before, so how did it come to this?

Alice, "You haven't seen much of him, but he's got his heart set on you, what can you do?"

"Besides, are you in control of this scene now?"


"Caleb's clearly pushing you, and when he pushes you, Chester's going to fix him." That's a pretty serious thing for Alice to say.

Alina, who was already trying to escape, felt helpless.

"What should I do?"

"Go back to Shirling." whoever it was that saw Alina in this state now had only one thing in mind, to get her back.

Ingford is no place for her now.

Alina, "But Caleb..."

"Don't worry, the best he can do right now is threaten you with the VIG, don't you trust Andre?"

What Andre has achieved at VIG over the years, Alina knows.

And all this time, apart from causing Andre some problems, there seems to be no greater loss.

"So I go back now?"

"Go back." Alice nodded.

Chester's performance was so sudden for her that she didn't know what was happening.

So now, it seemed to Alice, she had to go back.

Alina nodded, "Okay then, I'll go back."

No matter how obsessed she had been with the results, Alina now had only one thing on her mind, and that was to get back to Shirling and seek refuge.

Ingford is really horrible.

Just as I was about to say something else, the phone vibrated and rang.


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