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Become Filthy Rich After Divorce novel Chapter 173

Alina was really furious.

What the hell did Caleb want to do? What the hell was he going to do?

Alina must go out. However, these two bodyguards simply blocked her way.

They two just stood here coldly that she didn't have a chance to go out at all.

This made Alina's already annoyed mood even more terrible.


Alina gritted her teeth.

Lois, "Lady Alina, let's eat some fruit."


Alina had no mood to eat shit fruit now.

Lois looked at Alina as if she was looking at a child losing her temper by not getting the toys she wanted.

"Actually, Master Caleb still cares about you." Lois also knew that Alina didn't want to hear it.

But as long as Caleb and Alina had a bad relationship, these people around them had the most difficult life.

Therefore, they also wanted the relationship between them two to get well as soon as possible.

However, Lois still took things too simply.

At that time, although she was a servant here, she still didn't know a lot of things. But those things really happened to Alina.

Even many words were spoken by Caleb himself.

So now Lois said Caleb cared about her, which made Alina sneer directly, "His affection is worse than shit."

He didn’t deserve to talk about the affection.

Alina was also telling the truth. Caleb's affection was just cheaper than shit.

Between them, there was no affection.

This time, he used such a shameless mean to leave her here. Alina didn't know what other means he had to do to her.

Now Lois really didn't know what to say anymore.

Alina seemed to be unable to listen to anything.

As long as it was about Caleb, she didn't want to hear.

Once bittern, twice shy. Alina was hurt too much by Caleb back then.

So no matter what others said, Alina would only think it was Caleb’s conspiracy.

She was different now than she used to be.

She had nothing before. Only the old Collins protected her. So if Caleb dared to hurt her again, she must let him go to the hell.

Alina didn't know where Caleb went. But it wasn't until about ten o'clock in the evening that he finally came back.

Alina didn't go upstairs because she didn't want to stay here. When Caleb came back, he saw Alina sitting on the sofa.

The other person who came back with him was Emma.

Seeing the woman in the wheelchair, Alina smiled meaningfully.

Such a smile made Caleb particularly uncomfortable.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Caleb stepped forward and spoke as gently as possible.

Instead of answering his question, Alina just looked at Caleb, trying to see him through.

However, it was not easy to see through a person. Alina knew this very well.

Seeing her silent look, Caleb was sadder.

In fact, when he was at the door just now, he had already heard the bodyguards report that Alina had tried to get out three times.

He was reaching out and trying to touch her cheek. Alina avoided him directly in disgust.

Caleb's hand hung directly in the air. His eyes flickered, "Go to sleep."


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