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Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M novel Chapter 109

109 – Game On


Sweat formed everywhere on my body as

Lucius gave me his final instructions for tonight. After this, I had to work with a

limited conversation with him since he

might need to transfer every thought Lucien

would give him to me, especially during the



but, in my opinion, it was nothing

more than a f*cking open show in which everyone here would feast on my mate’s


I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for this, but I reminded myself that this is the demon world, where nakedness and sex out in the open were nothing to be ashamed of. But I was glad for once that Beast was still in

slumber, or it would be harder to control

both of us around our mate.

“From the expression on your face, you’re not liking this at all.” Lucius’ voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I thought we didn’t need to mate in there.” I sighed in disappointment.

“But you heard Lucien. He made a spell to ground Lucy there until she came. It’s just a f*ck. Just get it over and done, and I can assure you, we see this every day, so

regardless of who was there to watch, it was nothing unusual.”

“I know. I’ve seen similar things like this in

the past. I’m just not ready to share that

moment between me and Lucy with the

world. Even with demons.”

“That should be the least of your worries.

You have to make sure Lucy doesn’t run away from you, or you will look like you’re raping here.”

I let out a deep sigh and brushed my palm over my face in a torturous, slow motion.

Yes, I shouldn’t be thinking of the show. I should be thinking about how to get Lucy

not to flinch away from me. The candy

Patrea made didn’t work.

And the last thing I wanted was for Lucy to

see me as Lucius while I touched her.

“Patrea can’t undo the other witch’s spell?” (1

“I can if I know exactly what she did there.

However, we don’t. All Lucius mentioned

was that Lucy needed to feed the stone with

her juices. But the thing is, what if there’s more? So we should keep Lucien in a nice mood until that part is over and Lucy is not bound to the stone…”

“I’m a Stone too.” I chuckled at my own joke.

Patrea rolled her eyes. “Oh, spirits, I don’t know how you both keep joking in times like this.” 3

“You’re so boring, Patrea. If we all die

tonight, at least we get some laughs before it


“No one is dying tonight. Not me, or you, or you, or Lucy.” She pointed at all of us. “All the rest can die, but not us. Are we clear, boys?”

“Yes, Mom.” I chuckled.

“I knew it. You wanted a taste of me, too. Don’t worry, we will get there!” Lucius winked at her as a wicked, excited grin crossed his face. 2

I had no idea what it was about, but Patrea glared at him before walking away. “Suit yourself. I’m just doing something here. Do we still have time?”

“Not so much. The guests have began arriving. And…” He stopped talking for a while before he closed his eyes. “I guess this is it, folks! I am being summoned to the cove.

Lucius motioned for Patrea to come to him. ” Come, Patrea. I’ll take you where you need

to be.”

She nodded, her eyes flitting with concern. I have no way to communicate with you, so

please don’t keep me waiting there for


“I won’t, and you have the coins. If

somebody finds you, rub it three times. Now, if you just missed me, rub it once.”


“Seriously?” She huffed before turning to me. “Adan, I’m not sure if this will work. I

have to try. I redid the potion and am

hopeful this tablet will work better than the first one.”

“We can try quickly and see if it works,” Lucius suggested.


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