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Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M novel Chapter 150

150 - An Addiction




"Luther, look here! Attention must be with me."

Lucius snapped his fingers multiple times and covered the area where Luther was looking with dark mist so his attention would shift back to his demon uncle.


Luther grunted when the gullaps he was staring at vanished in his peripheral vision before snapping his head back to Lucius, who was standing almost 300 meters away from him.

"Ready?" Lucius asked him, a smirk plastered on his face.

For some reason, the years didn’t diminish his fascination with his nephew, if anything, it only grew stronger, and I was happy that the fascination went both ways.

Luther smiled at him before his eyes blazed red, and soon he was running at full speed before he ascended in the air and he continued springing forward.

He was moving up and fast, but after a few meters more, he was already plunging downward.

I felt Lucy’s body stiffen beside me, but I just chuckled and watched as Lucious caught our son mid-air on his ankle and dangled him upside down while they floated in the air.

Luther giggled loudly as he threw punches at his uncle’s body, but his little arms were not able to reach him.

Soon, the giggles turned into grunts, until he enveloped his body with fire and threw small fireballs at the demon king.

Lucius was not affected at all, which in turn just infuriated Luther some more.

Grumpy little demon.

I wondered where he got that attitude.

Lucius then flipped his body and threw him up in the air, making Lucy gasp, before he caught him.

Luther began laughing again and asked him to do it one more time.

"I swear, I will stop Luther from attending this so-called training with you and Lucius.For Goddess’ sake, he’s only five years old!"

Lucy let out a sigh as she crossed her arms against her chest before the whole fire tower erupted with giggles and snorts from our son.

"Relax.Don't you see he’s enjoying this as well?"

I tried to defend the training as I began training Luther in our territory as well.

It might be too early for Lucy, but I had my training, as well as that of the Alphas before me, at this young age, except for my father, who was thrown on this post as a last-minute replacement for pack Alpha.

"Did you enjoy your training when you were that age?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I can’t remember, but look at me now.Are you not proud of whoI became?"

"Well, you’re perfect just as you are.But before you met me, you were not really that pleasant to be with." I laughed heartily and shook my head.

"Those are hearsay.You have never witnessed it."

"Oh, I did! Did you forget these lines?"

She rolled her eyes before her voice changed and mimicked mine.

"Did I allow you to ask a question, Omega? Or the one, I’m the fucking Alpha here! Know your place, Omega! You've been getting too comfortable!"

I laughed once more before turning my body around to face her, my hands holding her waist as I pulled her closer to my body.

"Am I still not forgiven for being an ass? I’d been trying to be a good boy here."

Her mocking expression vanished, and in its place was the love she had shown me consistently over the previous five years.

"All forgiven.I just had to emphasize that part before you met me.But nothing or no one can be more perfect than you are.I just don’t want Luther to feel the pressure of being an Alpha and a demon prince at such a young age."

"I get that.But these are the responsibilities he had to face, and the sooner we prepare him, the more at ease he will be in his own skin.

"Lies..." She said softly as her fingers trailed down my neck and to my shoulder, where her wolf teeth marked me — the one that Elizar broke when I was a young boy.

"The years of training didn’t make you comfortable in your own skin.You were just good at hiding your insecurities."

Her fingers then trailed up to my chin and mouth, and I caught them.

Nibbling her fingers had been a guilty pleasure for me.

"I know that.But I will make sure Luther can air out his complaints when the time comes.But for now, let me and your brother enjoy having his attention all to ourselves during this stage of his life."

"I want him to be a baby..." Lucy said as she pouted her lips.

"He’s mature for his age, Lucy.That’s one thing you can’t stop.It’s in your blood."


She withdrew her fingers from my mouth and hooked her arms around my neck, pressing her body closer to mine.

My hands on her waist cupped her ass and lifted her off the ground.Her legs wrapped around my waist, clamping them tightly together before she spoke.

"Maybe we need a new baby..."

"I think I like where this is going..."

A smug smirk tugged on my mouth.I’d been wanting one but I didn’t want to pressure her.

"Don't you love it, just for three months? Then I’m back to my sexy body."

"I love you in all your forms, especially the one where you carry my pup.And I loved fucking you with your big stomach.You're hot in this body, but a pregnant, moody demon princess is way hotter.You can make my knees buckle in an instant and make me bend and bow down to you."

I squeezed her ass and pressed my growing erection against her.

"I love it when you bow down and eat my pussy, Alpha.How about bowing down to me now?"

She didn’t need to say more.

In an instant, I transported our bodies to our chamber inside the tower.

I had demanded that Lucius block anyone from entering our chamber through teleportation, which included him.

He didn’t argue with it and just did it right away, the same way he created a portal just at the back of our packhouse upon my request, so we no longer had to travel 10 kilometers off the border to the nearest underworld portal whenever we wanted to visit him.

Within the last five years, Lucy had come to terms with her demon side, and she and Angel were exploring the extent of their powers.

And the underworld was the best place to let it all out.

I knew the Omega I took home from the Omega Feast was something special, but I had no idea she was this powerful.

Others might be threatened or feel insecure about their female counterparts being stronger than them, but I wasn’t.


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