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Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M novel Chapter 175

BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Book 2

Chapter 23 – Trusting Him


Title of the document

A smug grin tugged at my lips as I brushed my thumb against her lower lip. “Again, Patrea, where do you want my attention to be?”

She pressed her body against mine, her head dipping into the nook of my neck as she locked her arms around it. Her action caught me off guard, and a surge of emotions rose in my stomach, warming up all my senses.

I couldn’t explain what was happening, but I was sure I wanted more of these emotions with her.

I placed my hands on her ass before lifting her off the ground and guiding her legs to wrap around my waist. She was still not talking, but I could hear the loud thudding of her heart.

“Patrea… You have my full attention, I can assure you that.”

“Will your attention still be mine by tomorrow? Or the days to come? At least for the next three weeks that we will spend together?” She let out a deep sigh. “I don’t want you here if your mind is somewhere else.”

“I’m not even thinking about her. Or anyone.”

“Maybe not now, but if you get to interact with her often…”

“I need to go back to Kalmerus from time to time. I cannot abandon my kingdom.” “I’m not asking you to abandon Kalmerus.” She huffed.

“I know that. And it doesn’t mean that if I’m there, I will see her or meet up with her. But if I do bump into her, would you like me to tell or show you?”

She nodded her head but didn’t say anything. I held her tightly as she kept nuzzling her nose into my neck as if she were inhaling my skin, and her action was making my d*ick harder.

“Patrea…” I was about to ask her to say something, but she did it even before I could.

“Would having s*ex with me prevent you from having s*ex with other females, especially her?”

“Are you offering your body as a tribute?” I smiled, but I stopped myself from chuckling.

She nodded her head. I positioned her ass on the kitchen counter before I drew her body away from mine so I could see her face.

Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were pooling with tears.

“If we’re going to have s*ex, it’s because we both want to, not because you think it will stop me from having s*ex with anyone. Besides, I’m doing a great job without s*ex. Five days in, Patrea and my c*ock had only f*ucked your mouth. This has not happened before.”

A smile slowly curled into her lips as her fingers trailed along my collarbone. “Did you like your c*ock in my mouth? I’m not an expert…”

“Best blow job I ever had. And I had many. Two centuries. Different females, different species.”

“You’re so good at boosting my ego.”

“Because you’re f*ucking good at making me come.”

“Will you tell me if you’re having the urge for s*ex so I can do something about it?”

“I have always been honest with you — I want to f*uck you.”

“But I also want to know if you have the desire to f*uck someone else. Do you think you can do that? Then I can do something to take your mind off it.” If it were possible to have my heart explode with these new emotions she was giving me, my heart would have been blown up and splattered all around this house.

As messed up as this may seem, Patrea was making me happy with her words. Because despite the anger and annoyance she felt for Nyneve or any other female, she still wanted to pull me into her rather than push me away.

“With you around, I’m confident I will never have the urge to f*uck another female.” I meant that, because in every female I have seen and encountered lately, I would always look for her eyes or her smile. “But to calm you, yes, I will tell you.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling as her fingers brushed away the hair that covered my eyes. “Can we try f*ucking now?”

“What?” I hissed, my eyes blazed red as my jaw tightened. Simple words, and yet my hard d*ick just got harder. “We are not doing this until you’re “I’m not sure when I will be ready, but I want to do it or at least try.”

“Are you sure? Because if this is about Nyneve…” “Maybe it’s about her. Maybe I need that push so I can take the first step forward and stop being afraid. ” She bit her bottom lips as her eyes locked with mine, and I could see the pain in them. “I’m scared of having s*ex, but I’m more scared of the idea that one day, even when the three weeks are not yet up, you will leave and never come back because you end up liking someone.”

“Is my witch starting to like me?”

“I told you last night that I like you. Were you not listening?” She rolled her eyes, but a smile was crawling on her lips.


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