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Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M novel Chapter 52

BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Chapter 52

052- The Underworld


Prince of Darkness, ruler of Kalmerus, one of the four Underworld regions.

“How long are you going to stand there and watch that fiber, father?” For the nth time today, Lucius asked as he slumped his body on my throne, making me hiss before I motioned for him to get off my seat.

He laughed as he stood up before walking to where I stood, staring at the fiber in front of

It used to hold the locations of my sons who

were often traveling back and forth to different realms at my disposal, but now I had allotted 50% of it just to track Lucija.

But my only daughter was smart enough not to use her fire — the only way I would be

able to pinpoint her exact location.

Almost a fortnight ago, something glowed

on the fiber, but before I could see where it was, it was already gone. She accidentally summoned fire, I assumed, and she’s been controlling herself so as not to use it again.

“So nothing new yet?” Lucius asked again.

“If there is, you and I will not be here,” I

answered in a cold tone.

“I can’t believe she’s not using fire accidentally. That girl couldn’t control her hands!” He said it with an irritated


I kept quiet, my hand reaching for my chin as I rubbed it while thinking. It was the reason I never asked Gargon to teach her how to control fire. I knew she never wanted

to be here, and it was only a matter of time before she would try to escape. And I wasn’t

wrong, but what I wasn’t expecting was that I would not be able to find her right away.

I underestimated how smart my daughter

was, but somehow it made me proud. Though I knew she could never outsmart me

for a long time, I was already losing my patience.

Two years and there were still no signs of


And it wasn’t helping that my access to earth was limited due to the pact Hades, the God of the Underworld, agreed upon with all the other realms. I had no power to just barge in and destroy everything until they surrendered my daughter to me like I

wanted to.

The humans were worth nothing. I could easily kill them with a flick of my fingers, but I didn’t want Hades’ wrath to befall me – not when I spent my whole life trying to prove that once he relinquished his throne, I would be the one worthy of it.

If Lucija were not important, I wouldn’t be bothered with what she would do with her life, like I had stopped caring for all the

other spawns I had created over a span of centuries. Most of them had their own lives;

some of them were dead, and some decided to abandon the demon world, but I couldn’t

care less.

But Lucija was different. She was my only daughter and my sure ticket to winning the favor of the other gods and princes of this realm. All of my sons were useless; they could only sweet talk she-demons but not the male demons. But my Lucija could do it

for both without even trying hard.

And with the underworld swarming with

males, and she-demons being a rarity,

having Lucija would be an advantage.

She had the allure of an underworld goddess.

And I knew that once I transformed her into

a full demon, she would be sought after by

the princes of the underworld. Or even by the

gods. 1

And while everyone wanted a piece of her, I

would make sure that she would use it to our

benefit so I could get the seat I was aiming


The seat of Hades.

It had been rumored for many decades now that Hades had wanted to abandon his seat to live peacefully with the rest of the immortals, but until he found the right demon for the job, he had to postpone his

retirement. 1

And I was out here, trying to be the right demon he was looking for.

But I needed Lucija and her allure to convince princes and gods to do my bidding.

But where was she?



“Can you explain to me how you know about my necklace and where my mother buried it? ” I asked Althea.

She, Lena, Laira, and I were laying down in her bed, with our feet still on the floor, as we just all stared at the ceiling. I had no idea how long we’d been in her room that Laira decided to check on us, which eventually

made her join us.

“I need you to promise me that whatever you hear, you will not back out on helping


“I still haven’t decided on that.”

“It’s my only condition, Lucy. Now if you have no way to return to the underworld, then I will understand. But if you do, I want

your word.”

“If I had a chance to ask her and she agreed,

I would do it. But if she wants to be saved

another way, then I will try to do it another way. Will that be acceptable?”


“Then I will help Patrea. You have my word

on it.”

“Thank you.

“Now, talk before the two here beside me start snoring…” I chuckled, as did Laira and Lena, but when I glanced at Althea beside me with a solemn expression on her face and her eyes closed, I nudged Laira beside me, and she passed it to Lena, and we all stopped


“Your father would create an illusion that

allows your mother’s body to remain in her bed at night, but at the same time, he would

take her into the underworld.”

“He can’t do that. He was breaching the law of the realm!” I blurted out as my breathing

hitched. Rage was rising from my body, but

Laira held my hand, and I ended up closing my eyes as I tried to control my breathing.

“While at the underworld, Patrea and my

mother would make her drink potions to make sure that nothing would be destroyed

on her body, no bruises, no marks. This was your father’s order, so he could do whatever

he wanted with her and she would still come

back whole and…”


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