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Besotted novel Chapter 6

I may be a girl, but I'm no less than a Man.


I entered the building with a coffee in my hand. I waved to the lady in the reception to which she waved back with a smile. I jumped into the elevator and waited for it to get me to my destined floor. While in the elevator, I drank my coffee which I bought from Starbucks and as soon as the elevator door pinged open, I threw the empty coffee can into the bin near the reception.

I made my way to my cabin and sat down on my chair. I checked the time to find its only eight in the morning. I chose to come early in the morning in order to save myself from any kind of disturbing comment from Mr. Theller.

Saturday night event is still fresh in my mind and I just want to avoid any kind of conversation with Mr. Theller. I know that he may not be interested in me, hell there is nothing that is interesting about me. He would never think to look at me twice. To him, I am just another girl who he has no interest in what so ever. And how I do I feel about that? LIKE SHIT I MUST SAY. I will always be someone below him, never an equal and never a women worth his attention. I ain't a sexy blonde model with blue eyes. I am purely an Asian with caramel skin and chocolate brown eyes. Definitely not his type. Even though he doesn't give two shits about my personal life I still find it awkward because I have no idea how to behave normally around him but I will never in hell let that come across if I am around him. NEVER!

I kept myself busy in my work and began to arrange the Schedules for Mr. Theller.

I don't know how long I have worked but I was so engrossed in the files that I didn't even realise that I had company.

The clearing of throat made me to come out of my little world and I looked up startled. Mr Theller was standing before my desk with his hand crossed across his chest. His hair was wet and I could smell the manly fragrance, he looked fresh.

"Good Morning Sir".

"Good Morning Ms. Carter, I see you were so absorbed in your work that you didn't see me standing her, waiting for you and you out of everyone must know that I don't like to wait or be kept waiting. " he told me casually.

"Uh I am so sorry sir, I was so busy with work that I couldn't -" I twirled my finger nervously and pursed my lips. I definitely know that he is not a patient man. He gave me a little insight of that on my first day when he tortured the hell out of me and for what? Being late even though it wasn't my fault.

"Ms. Carter come to my cabin" he told me and without even waiting to hear my reply he turned and strode out of my cabin towards his.

I sighed and adjusted my glass and walked towards his cabin, ready for his lecture. I knocked on his door and went in after hearing him "Come in".

He was opening his suit jacket while I walked in. I averted my gaze towards the window waiting for him to say something. With the corner of my eyes, I watched as he kept his jacket in his chair and rolled up his shirt sleeves. I could see a tattoo on his forearm and out of curiosity I turned my head towards him to get a good view of the tattoo.

"Take a picture Ms. Carter it will last longer" he spoke out of nowhere. I looked up to see his signature smirk plastered on his face, his eyes twinkling mischieveouly as if he knew I had been oggling his tattoo.

"Sorry Sir" I muttered feeling embarrassed, my cheeks heating up as I knew I had been caught..

"Damn Sang you need to be careful" I thought to myself.

He cleared his throat again which made me to look up towards him and he loosened his neck tie sitting on his chair.

"Ms. Carter I want to have an important discussion with you" he told me and I nodded, fidgeting with my fingers, something I do when I am nervous.

"Please don't say anything about Saturday night" I thought to myself.

"Have a seat" he told me and I nodded slowly taking my seat.

"So Ms. Carter there is this event tonight, a charity function where I am invited" he told me and I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding, glad that he didn't say anything about that day..

"The charity function has a couple theme. As I have no girlfriend" he told me his voice slow and clear as if he wants the information to get into my mind that he has no girlfriend.

"I want you to join me" he told me nonchalantly and eyed me for my reaction.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered, my eyes widening.

"Do I have to repeat myself again Ms. Carter?" he asked clearly irritated.

"N-No Sir I mean how can I join you? It's a couple theme and we are uh" I trailed off feeling my cheeks burn and looked at my lap not wanting him to see me blushing.

"Yes Ms. Carter we are not a couple" he completed my sentence which made me look up at him.

"But this Charity function is very important for me and my reputation and you are going to join me and at least act as if we are a couple" he told me and I was sure my eyes were going to pop out of my socket.


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