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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 113

Suddenly a sharp pain pierces my temples and my heart races. I groan and brought my hand to clutch at my pounding head. It felt like someone was continuously hitting my skull with a hammer. Not pleasant to say the least. Why are you crying Ley?” The voice was oddly familiar. Is this me?

I clenched my eyes shut and as soon as I did, there was a vision of a young girl and boy beside a willow tree. The girl sat underneath the tree whilst the boy crouched down before her. It was like a movie playing in my very own head.I stood a little distance away from them, looking on. It felt odd and strange.

I was finally losing it.

I could spot that lean lanky figure anywhere. One I had fed with enough protein and exercise enough to gain muscle. That young boy that’s crouched down before the young girl was me.

“Sorry, it’s not everyday I see you drenched with rotten eggs.” My younger self chuckles.” Come on ley, let’s go to my place so I can help you clean up.” “Ley “I felt myself whisper. The young girl was Ley. How could I not realize especially with the small figure and cute pout?

Was I in an odd state of hallucination or a lucid dream? I could feel my ass on the cold tile of the balchen so I was not out of it yet, but yet I could feel the warm air and hear the birds chirp just like in the memory or dream Ji was like I was in two places at once.

My brad pounded trying to differentiate between reality and a dream. I groan, clutching my bead as if it would stop the pain. But it didn’t, it only got worse. I could feel hands shaking me but I’m already out of it

**Why would they even do this to me Blake? I had done nothing wrong.” She cries as my younger sell helps her up

“Don’t let them get to your head Ley, they’re just jealous.” I whisper

And as if the younger version of Ley and I heard me, their head snapped in my direction where I was lurking. And just like that I felt myself being swooped into darkness and my body slumps.

Darkness. Thats all I see. But oddly I dont feel scared, no it feels like Ive been here before. I was familiar with the feeling. I’m walking through the darkness. I was literally walking through my mind. Or was I dead? I couldn’t tell.

But I could definitely tell that I was alone and if I were to shout, my voice would definitely echo. Then like a flicker of light, I spot a small dot of white up ahead. The further I walked the more the dot grew.

I shouldve felt afraid but I wasnt. Instead I felt drawn to it somehow. My body, my mind, my legs had a mind of its own as I moved forward. Wanting to be closer to that little small white dot.

But the further I walked the more the white dot started to emerge with color. Confused and intrigued, my footsteps now became a slight jog. And suddenly there are voices coming from the colored circle which doesnt look like a small dot anymore. “I stink” The familiar girl, Ley whines and she sounded like she was sniffling. My jog turns into a full sprint as I draw closer, wanting to comfort her, not liking that she was upset.

As I draw closer to the circle I could make out the younger version of Ley. And she was looking directly at me. Strange. I lift my hands staring at the image of Ley with eggs drenched on her hair and face. As soon as my finger touches the circle I feel a strong pull and Im sucked into the circle.

I clenched my eyes shut. And when I do open them back up, it’s not dark anymore. And when my eyes peer down, I am now staring at Ley. She sat down on the bathroom countertop, hair and face messy as she stared at me with blurry eyes. 1

My eyes darted behind her and I’m shocked to find my younger self staring at me through the mirror. I wasn’t looking on the sidelines anymore, no, I was now him, me, the younger version of me.

I hear her let out a breath and I draw my eyes back to her cute pouty face. “I stink of rotten eges, I can’t possibly go home looking like this. My mom and dad would surely raise questions. “She whines, folding her arms and peer at me.

Her eyes were always so beautiful and easy to get lost in.

I felt myself smirk Strange how I could no longer control my own actions but see everything from my younger self point of view. You don’t stink Ley.” I laughed while opening the faucet and welled the rag in my hands.

I drew closer to her and brought the wet rag to her face. I sniffed. “Okay maybe you do.I leased, sweeping the rag over her soft cheek.

She whines, her lips working into a cute little pout.” You’re so mean.”

I raise a brow, sweeping the rag down her forehead to the side of her face.Hey youre the one who said it in the first place,” I pointed out.


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