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Betrothed To The Mafia Lord novel Chapter 106

Luca’s POV

“There are a lot of social media handlers on Instagram, and it would be easy to find one here in Italy. I’d help you to look for one and I’d look into the person and check the person’s whole background to see if the person is safe.” James said and I turned my head around to stare at him before starting to speak. “Thank you so much, man.” I said to him, and I really meant it.

He nodded his head at me and was about to say something to me before a quite but firm knock sounded from behind the closed door and we both turned our heads around until we were both staring at the door.

“Yeah,” I called out, already having an idea of whom it might be, and my guess turned out to be right when Sarah’s familiar voice echoed out audibly from the other side of the door.

“Come on in, “ I said to her and watched as the door got pushed open to reveal Sarah who was standing at the doorway with a tray containing some things in her grip.

She made her way past the doorway and started to walk into the room, pushing the door close with her elbow. She stopped in the middle of the room and placed the tray which she had been cradling, on the table before finally turning around to stare at James and I.

“So, I am here to clean up your knuckles like I promised,” Sarah started to say, dragging her gaze from James to my face and back to James face. I watched from the side of my eyes as James sat up on his spot on the couch and started to roll up the cuffs of his shirt.

“You’re the best, Sarah.” James breathed out to Sarah and I watched as Sarah tried to hide her grin by turning around to start moving some things on the tray which she had brought in here, moments ago.

She carried something that looked like water in a small water and made her way towards James.

She took his first hand in hers and was about to start dabbing at his cuts with a piece of cotton wool and I stopped her with what I said.

“Won’t you find somewhere to sit?” I asked in a quiet voice, because I knew I had been right all along that there was something wrong with Sarah’s health, and after walking in on her and Matilda, my mind surely wouldn’t cease to be getting worried about her. She shook her head with a small smile before starting to speak. “No, I don’t. I’d be done in no time.”


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