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Betrothed To The Mafia Lord novel Chapter 108

Luca’s POV

The whole thing which I had gotten from the mall yesterday was still at a particular spot in the hallways, beside the staircase. The smaller things like brushes and water colors had all been arranged there, while the way bigger things like standing boards, blank posters and the like were all arranged in the dining room. It was supposed to be all sorted out this morning, hopefully – because the only thing which held me from arranged the whole thing was because I still haven’t been given a particular room.

But then I had hoped that Luca would return home early yesterday, since it was a Sunday and it had seemed like he wouldn’t be leaving the house throughout the whole day, but I had obviously thought wrong, because as soon as I had returning back from the mall, was at the same time that he had also gone out – and unfortunately didn’t end up returning until after I had ended up falling asleep.

I moved around in the bathroom and picked up the shampoos in order to wash my hair as well, even though I had washed my hair yesterday, and it was still very clean at the moment and didn’t need any form of washing.

Once I was done rubbing more than necessary amount of shampoo into my hair, I washed it off with warm water and then proceeded to wash my whole body off, loving how the strawberries scent of the shampoo as well as the fruity scent of the body liquid soap which I made use of, clung around my whole body.

I made my way out of the shower and toweled myself dry with the piece of white towel which I had previously picked out, before I had made my way into the shower. I wrapped another piece of smaller towel around my hair and squeezed around it in order to get most of the water out of my hair. Before it got completely wrong ou, I pulled the towel off and combed my fingers thoroughly through my dark and wet strands, in order to not let it start drying off with tbe tips a little bit curled up against one another.

I paused at the front of one of the wash hand basins in the bathroom and picked up my brush, squirting a little amount of toothpaste onto the bristles before proceeding to brush my teeth. Once I was done, I rinsed my mouth out with warm water and placed my brush back on the rack where it was positioned before starting to make my way towards the spot where the biggest basin was located in the bathroom, it was also where the biggest mirror was located against, above the basin.

I stared at myself in the mirror, grimacing at my reflection for a few seconds before turning around and starting to make my way out of the bathroom, and into the walk in closet. I moved towards the closet to start to search for a cloth to wear today, before I suddenly remembered that I was still very much unfortunately still on my period at that moment, and as soon as that thought had thankfully dinged in my head, I turned around almost immediately and made my way out of the walk in closet, straight into the bathroom once again. I moved towards the drawers in the bathroom and picked out a piece of underwear to wear today, and then I picked out another piece of new tampon.


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