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Betrothed To The Mafia Lord novel Chapter 110

Sofia’s POV

As I was about to take another sip from the steaming cup of next to tasteless coffee, I heard footsteps echoing behind me, from the entrance of the kitchen and I turned my head around slightly in order to see what was happening behind me, with my cup of coffee still clutched in my hands.

My eyes landed on Matilda almost immediately and I flashed her a tiny smile before turning back around and lifting my cup up to my lips to drag in smother tiny sip, scrunching my face up once again and forcing down the hot liquid down my throat. It was really heatic force down my throat and I was seriously starting to imagine how people prefer this, over the mixture of coffee mixed with milk, cream and sugar.

“Good morning, Mrs Ricci.” Matilda said to me as she made her way towards my side of the counter to pause beside me, with her elbows placed on tne top of tbe counter, beside where my phone was, exactly beside my left elbow.

She focused a really bright smile my way as soon as I turned around to stare into her face. I couldn’t help it, my cheeks shifted a little to bring forth a smile which was almost mirroring hers, although it wasn’t as bright nor wild compared to Matilda’s own.

“How are you, Matilda?” I said to her and watched as she pressed her hand against the top of her forehead before allowing her eyes to slide close for a few seconds, before it opened once again and locked with mine almost immediately.

“I am alright. Doing as great as always.” Matilda replied before moving a little from side to side before starting to speak. “How are you as well?” She asked and I placed my cup of coffee on the table, beside my phone as I made to reply to what I had been asked, moments ago.

“I’m excited, to be honest.” I said to her and watched as she inched closer to me as if we were exchanging some kind of scarred secret between ourselves. She started to speak after a few seconds. “It’s because of tne whole painting thing which you’re supposed to start this morning, right?” Matilda inquired and I nodded my head once while trying to hold back the smile that was threatening to break out on my face, as soon as Matilda was done speaking.

“I am excited for you as well, I can’t wait to watch you work and see you bring life into blank pages, boards and walls… I just know it would be so amazing and mind blowing to watch.” Matilda gushed out and I felt my smile which had still been trying to peak out, completely dried up after a few seconds.

“Um, Matilda?” I started to say after about a minute, not wanting her to get the wrong impression of what I was about to start doing and wanting her to know what was actually happening, to avoid her unknowingly raising her hopes up, only to feel so much dissatisfaction and disappointment as soon as she watch me draw for the first time.

“Huh?” She replied almost immediately and I started to speak as well, in the next moment.

“You do know that I haven’t exactly drawn a thing before, right?” I started to say and watched as a lol of confusion crossed her face for a few seconds before she raised her eyes up until she was staring into my eyes after a moment.


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