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Billionaire's Accidental Wife novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Dave encourages me not to worry on the way back to the flat, but it is difficult. No matter how many times he assures me that we will stop Sebastian, I have my doubts. I knew Sebastian was a horrible person, but I never dreamed he was capable of such atrocities, especially after Dave showed him the photographs of the community and the orphans. What will become of my darling children?! I push back the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes. As we carefully ascend the stairs to the apartment, my fingers begin to tremble. Dave walks quietly beside me and grips my hand tightly, silently reassuring me that everything will be okay. “Chelsea,” he whispers as we stand face-to-face at my door. “Chelsea, look at me…” He slips a finger under my chin and lifts my head to gaze into his eyes. I finally let the tears flow, the gravity of the situation too strong to overcome.

Chelsea, we’re going to fight this. Trust me…” I sniffle and gaze into his piercing blue eyes that offer some comfort.

“How do you know, Dave?” Sebastian is a powerful man. Do you really think we can stop him?”

“Yes, we can, Chelsea. And we will. Besides, I already asked for Shawn’s help. He had men who were willing to help me in Kenya.” He answers with conviction. I search his eyes for a trace of doubt, but I find none. His intense gaze compels me to believe him. Besides, I have no choice. Dave’s plan has to work and I will do everything in my power to help make sure it does. “I’m going to need your help on this, Chelsea. I need you to be strong.” I nod forcefully and straighten up my shoulders. “What do you need me to do?” “There you are,” he says with a loving smile. “There’s the strong, determined woman I know.”

I blush.


“Okay. So, I have to head back to the mansion and get a few things in order before tomorrow. I need you to tell Christie everything. I also need you to get on the phone with the people that run the orphanage in Kenya. Let them know what is happening and encourage them to protest against Brown Inc. Tell them to spread the word… contact their leaders, the media, and whoever else they can… the more they spread the word, the greater the chance any operations will be halted until further notice.”

I nod feverishly, trying to memorise his instructions in my head. It is all so overwhelming, but he is absolutely right. The more people who know about what Sebastian has planned, the better chance we will have.

I’ll call you tomorrow regarding every stage of the meeting with my partner. As soon as the police have heard enough, they will step in.”

Suddenly, my heart begins to race and I am immediately concerned about his safety. This scenario resembles something out of a mob movie, and it usually does not end happily. “Hey!” He snaps me out of a daze.

“Everything will be alright, don’t worry.”

“But what if something goes wrong, Dave?” His hands grabbed both sides of my cheeks.” Everything will be okay, Chelsea. Do you understand? Now get some rest and wait for my call tomorrow.”

His warm lips meet mine before he lets me go. The wonderful sensation of his tongue diving into my lips and touching every crevice of my mouth melts me instantaneously. As his warm body crushes against mine, I close my eyes. My fingers fumble with his wavy hair and urgently draw him in closer as they cross the length of his chest and slip seductively around his neck. My body craves him… It has been deprived for far too long. He pulls away as my knees threaten to buckle as if to prevent himself from having his way with me right here in the corridor.

“Would you like to come inside?” I inquired, my gaze longingly fixed on his. I’m not prepared for him to depart. He groans.

“I can’t. But I promise you, after this is over, you may have me whenever you want.” He holds me again, pulling me into him with a seductive smile that melts my heart. His gorgeous audacity appeals to me. Before he goes away, he gives me one more passionate kiss. I’m frozen by the door, reeling from his touch. Dave, please be right. Please let things work out.

The loud, deafening sound of my cell phone startles me out of my sleep. Instinctively, I sit upright in bed and glance outside. It is barely dawn. Who in the world could be calling this early? I grab the phone and, with tired eyes, make out the name on the screen. It’s Dave. For him to be calling me at this hour, it must be serious.

“Hello,” I answer, my heart skipping a few beats.

“Chelsea! Change of plans: Sebastian is planning to go to Kenya early tomorrow morning! That means we have less than twenty-four hours to execute our plan!”

“What? But Dave… I haven’t even spoken to anyone in Kenya yet or Christie for that matter. We need more time!”

“We have no choice.”

After he hands up, I immediately spring off the bed and race into Christie’s room.

Chapter 39 1


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