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Billionaire's One Night Stand novel Chapter 103

Chloe understood, which meant that Kate did have talent in this field, but she was not as perfect as the rumors had it!

On the way to the reporter's venue, Zoya asked Chloe, "Why did you ask about Kate from that man?"

"You know yourself and your enemy, don't you?" Chloe smiled.

Perhaps in all aspects, she, Chloe, would not lose to Kate...

If Kate could do it, she could do it as well, and even she could do better!

More than a hundred reporters came to the reporter's hall

The whole venue was particularly crowded and grand!

Accompanied by Zoya and two security guards, Chloe entered the venue. All the reporters stood up, and the camera was shining brightly.

When the chief editor of the newspaper office saw that Chloe finally came, he quickly wiped the sweat off his forehead. If he didn't come, he was worried about whether he could stabilize these reporters.

In front of the scene that was almost eye catching, Chloe stood there with a sweet smile. "First of all, thank all the reporters for their concern, and also thank you for the time when you are busy to come to the first reporter in my life. I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

She politely bowed to all the reporters in front of her It was the first time in her life that she appeared in front of the interview of the media for the first time.

"Miss Chloe!" The reporter said, "I heard that something happened to you this afternoon. Does it have anything to do with Bishop Family?"

"I did encounter something this afternoon." Chloe said, "But it doesn't matter. It has been solved. You don't have to worry about it."

Immediately, the reporters rushed to ask, "Miss Chloe, are you going to respond to Miss Kate's words when you attend the press conference today?"

"I want to ask if what Bishop Family said in the press conference this morning is the meaning of First Miss Kate herself, or if it represents the whole Bishop Family..."

When the reporters almost finished asking and calmed down a little, Chloe said, "This is my first time to attend a press conference, maybe I am a little out of touch in dealing with it. Please include your friends. If possible, I want to finish what I want to say today first, and then everyone can ask again, and then I will answer, okay?"

Chloe thinking logic was very clear. She was indeed prepared to do things in her heart.

The reporters at the scene immediately quieted down a lot.

Several reporters in the front said, "Okay, Miss Chloe, okay."

Facing the constantly flashing camera and the camera, Chloe said, "Then let me talk about what happened recently. Although it is the first time for me to attend a press conference, I will tell the truth and send the most real information to the media."

"First of all, I left Bishop Family. I was indeed driven out of Bishop Family for two or three months, but even so, I have always been grateful, because Bishop Family has always raised me up. Therefore, I am very sad for this period of time. When I knew my background, especially when I knew that my biological father was another director of the Bishop Family, Boss Chloe, I was more sad."

"Because I heard at the same time that my biological father had passed away and knew that Bishop Family had cheated me. When I was a child, I asked my adopted father Finn many times about my life experience, but he never told me. Now I still remember, when I asked why my name had the word "Chloe" in it, he couldn't answer my father's face..."

She paused for a moment, with sadness and sadness in her eyes.

The spotlight on the press conference kept flashing to take care of her pure and delicate face.

"Even though something happened to me when I was in Bishop Family..." Chloe remembered what had happened and said, "But I still regarded Bishop Family as my home, and even my adopted mother, Mrs. Bishop, asked me to move out of Bishop Family's house. I also thought that they were doing it for me. I never thought that she would be so mean to me... It was a prelude that she wanted to drive me out of Bishop Family's house."

"Everyone must be wondering why I don't know my origin." Chloe said, "On the one hand, when I was adopted back then by Bishop Family, I was only five years old at most. On the other hand, I don't have my memory of five years old. The doctor said that maybe it was because of some accidents that I met back then."

"But even so, I also regard Finn as my biological father." Chloe took a deep breath. "So I'm very disappointed in what Bishop Family said in the press conference this morning, and I'm disappointed in Bishop Family, who I used to be a family."

Countless flash lights flashed in front of her, illuminating her face.

In addition to the blush on her lips, her face was not powdered, showing her amazing natural skin color!

Listening to her touching words, the venue was quiet except for the sound of cameras.

It was the first time that Miss Chloe had revealed her heart to the media since Chloe had arranged a wedding with Zayn...

"Kate said that I took the formula of Bishop Limited cosmetics." Chloe said with a slight smile, "I don't know why she said that, because I didn't take it and I didn't reveal anything."

Chloe looked at the side of the venue and said, "Now, let's introduce a person to everyone first."

Outside, John and the police nodded their heads. The police escorted the developer of Bishop Limited company into the office.

The reporter immediately pointed the camera at them again. Someone asked, "Miss Chloe, who is this person?"


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