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Billionaire’s Missing Darling (Olivia and Daniel) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

The door to the upstairs study was open, Olivia approached the door and leaned in to listen for a moment, and when she heard no sound, she knocked a few times. Mr. Sullivan, do you need help?” 

The silence persisted, unbroken

A knot of worry formed in Olivia’s chest, the fear that he might have lost consciousness gnawing at her. Without a second thought, driven by a mix of concern and urgency, she decisively pushed the door open

The study room unfurled before her, grand in its expanse. Tall bookshelves laden with volumes of knowledge lined the walls, their natural wood grain gleaming softly under the ambient light. Directly across from her, to the right, a majestic desk held its ground. Its polished surface was home to a sleek computer and an organized stack of importantlooking documents

At her initial glance, the room seemed devoid of human presence. But as Olivia’s eyes adjusted and scanned the room more meticulously, a subtle detail caught her attention

He was there but almost camouflaged. Nestled by the bay window, his silhouette was masked by the heavy, dark curtains, making him appear as if he was a part of the drapery, a shadow blending into the night

Olivia walked over

An overturned solid wood chair lay askew on the floor, hinting at a recent disturbance. Daniel Sullivan was seated gracefully by the bay window, one leg casually crossed over the other, exuding an air of nonchalance despite the evident chaos

From Olivia’s vantage point, she could discern the telltale hues of blue and purple marring his toes. The implication was clear: the chair must have fallen on his foot, causing the bruise

Are you okay?Olivia bent down, asking with concern

It seemed as though Dániel was lost in his own world, unaware of her presence. When he finally noticed her, his eyes showed a momentary look of bewilderment. He stared blankly at her for a few heartbeats as if trying to piece together the situation before recognition slowly dawned on his face

I’m sorry, the noise must have startled you,” he said



Billionaire’s Missing Darling 

His tone was polite, starkly contrasting to his previous sarcastic demeanor, as if he were a different person

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Olivia’s nature was to be assertive with the strong and gentle with the weak. Seeing Daniel, clearly injured, still concerned about whether she was startled, her fondness for him grew

It’s fine. How’s your injury? Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital?she asked

Daniel shook his head. No need. A bit of ointment will do. Thank you, Ms. Taylor.” 

You’re too kind. I didn’t really help much,she replied

Daniel lowered his gaze, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly, an apologetic look in his eyes. Actually, I owe you an apology, Ms. Taylor.” 

Olivia looked up, a hint of confusion in her eyes, which sparkled beautifully

Her innocent appearance made one wish to pull her close and plant a fervent kiss

Daniel turned his head with effort, using all his strength to maintain composure. “It’s about the other day.” 

Olivia understood. He apologized for his odd behavior a few days ago

Daniel explained. Many women have tried to get close to me through Andrew. Andrew is my son, and I value him greatly. So, I’ve been cautious. I’m sorry.” 

Olivia remained silent. While his explanation was understandable, treating every woman as if she was trying to latch onto him wasn’t fair. Daniel’s gaze was calm as he glanced at Olivia. Seeing her lack of response, he quickly shifted his tone and gave an example. Last year, a lady got along well with Andrew. He really liked her, always calling her sisterand frequently contacting her.” 

That lady also liked Andrew, giving him many gifts. Andrew mentioned to me a few times, hoping that sistercould become his new mother.” 

Hearing the words new mother,” Olivia instinctively furrowed her brows, feeling a sudden discomfort… 

This unease came suddenly and inexplicably

Daniel continued, his voice captivating, speaking with deep emotion, I mostly thought this lady wanted to get close to me through Andrew, to 



Billionaire’s Missing Darling 

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marry into the Sullivan family. But who would have thought” 

He paused, and Olivia felt a sudden tightness in her chest, a bad premonition forming

Her premonition quickly became a reality as Daniel’s magnetic yet calm voice continued, Her ambitions were even greater. She was sent 

specifically to woo Andrew, intending to kidnap and use him to threaten me.” 

Olivia had been calm, but upon hearing this, her eyes suddenly burned, her heart feeling as if it was being squeezed, causing her to shudder

Unable to control herself, she squatted down, leaning close to Daniel, looking up at him, What happened next? Is Andrew okay?” 

Daniel’s gaze lingered on her face, but he remained silent

The more he stayed silent, the calmer his expression became, making Olivia’s heart race, feeling a tightness in her chest, struggling to breathe

Daniel was initially pleased with the fabricated story he had told, which explained his previous odd behavior. However, seeing Olivia so engrossed in a mere fictional tale, showing immense concern for Andrew but disregarding his own injury in front of her, irritated him

He became incredibly agitated

Did this woman only care about her son and not her husband

Did she think he was dead

Daniel maintained a sorrowful and concerned expression despite his internal displeasure, portraying the image of a caring father

He knew Olivia too well. She responded to kindness but not to force. Even though he didn’t know how she had forgotten him entirely, causing him endless distress, her character remained unchanged

When he found out yesterday that she had forgotten him, Daniel 

struggled to control his emotions, wanting to confront her and tell her everything

He wanted this woman, who had abandoned her husband, to see what she had truly done

But thankfully, he restrained himself

If he had revealed everything, she surely wouldn’t have believed him. She might even have turned against him, fighting for custody of Andrew

So, Daniel took a more roundabout approach



Billionaire’s Missing Darling 


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