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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 1

hey everyone there might have grammatical mistakes and problem with names as I changed it.. hope I will edit it as soon as I get time..

She sat down on chair which was placed on the lawn.. it was a winter night..she hugged her knee the shawl was wrapping her body as well as her head..her face was shining in moonlight and she was tucking her hair strands behind her ear time to time..

She loved spending time alone.. thou she was alone and don't have anyone in her life except--...she checked the time and frowned he was still not at home she thought and then closed her eyes enhaling the cold wind..

She heard the loud horn of a car indicating he was back at home..her breath uneven as he stepped out of the car yelling at someone on call..

His dominating and demanding voice was enough to make her shiver.. his shoe hit the ground making sound as he walked towards the door..

Halting his steps he turned and found her sitting on the lawn.. she stood up with a jerk tucking her hair strands behind her ear looking at him with those innocent and beautiful doe shaped eyes..

Giving her a glare full of hate he went inside the mansion..she knew he hated her.. she knew he think that all was her mistake and she was at fault..

She thought that he didn't know that she was innocent..she wiped the lone tear which escaped from her eyes..her lips broke into the sad smile as her mind drifted into the time when everything was when everything was destroyed..


"You bitch how dare you? Were you trying to seduce my husband" she shouted and slapped me hard..

Tears started rolled down from my cheeks..


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