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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 70

She walked out of the airport only to get engulfed by tight hug.."I've missed you soo much" she took a sigh in relief hearing his soothing words against her ear as her arms wrapped around him..

"Everyone is watching us Mr Bown Eyed Monster and if you stay like this for few seconds then it will be the headline of tomorrow morning" She whispered in between the hug..Breaking the hug he cupped her cheeks "I don't give a fuck" muttering he gently pecked her lips making her eyes widened.. "I didn't expect this" he chuckled at her words..

"Let's go" He held her hand entwineing with his while his Bodyguards helped them to sat inside the car safely because of medias and reporters..

"Ohh Damnn Mumbai I miss this" she exclaimed looking out of the car window making him smile.. "Neil let's go to have some street food first then we'll go home" she was getting all excited..

"Anya you just landed after a hectic flight so let's just go--" she cut him off in between..

"No no no I want to have street food first" He glared at her her making her pout.. "Please Daddy" she creeped closer to him placing her hand on his thigh..

"Anya I am driving" he said in stern voice his eyes were on the road.. "I am just requesting you please" She pouted..

"Street foods are unhygienic and you aren't getting it" this time he shouted.. "Fine don't come close to me ever again" she said glaring at him angrily then looked out of the window..


"Yeah maa I reached I will be meeting with you tomorrow morning as it's late no I am fine just little tired" she talked with Brinda over the phone call just then she felt pair of arms encircled around her waist from back..


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