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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 78

She looked out of the window gazing at the moon her face shine on the moon light just then her phone rang breaking her chain of thoughts..

Seeing the caller id she sighed "Why did you call me?" She questioned..

"Arisha finally you pick my call.. you okay"she heard him taking a sigh in relief..

"Why did you call me?" She asked again her voice was cold yet stern..

"You okay? Did you settle in your new apartment ? How's your first day at work" his voice was soft yet full of concern she felt herself melting but then she composed herself "Avin I don't need your fake concern I already given you freedom so it will be good if you don't poke your nose my matter" and she hung up the call..


She snuggled closest to his neck wrapping her arms around him which made him chuckle.. He knew just because of her period hormones she was behaving like this.. Caressing her hair softly he placed a warm kiss on her head..

She don't trust him and it was irking him a little or may be more than little but he knew she found solace in his arms she was comfortable with him.. 'Why this is so complicated' he thought then chucked it closing his eyes..

He felt her swallow breaths and realised that she already slept.. he moved back a little placing her hand on the pillow which was on his neck and get off from the bed grabbing his phone from the side table..


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