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Bleeding obsession novel Chapter 19

Authors pov

Sarah woke up under the warm sunlight, stretching her limbs she sat up and leaned against the bedpost lazily and then realization hit her. She wasn't on the uncomfortable couch, she was on the bed under silky bed sheet.

"How did I get here?... Did he___"

She looked beside her but the bed was untouched, she sighed in relief knowing that she didn't slept with him.

She heard bathroom door opening and looked at the direction. Her face flushed red when she saw Xavier only in towel. That poor cloth was hanging low on his waist. Her eyes shamelessly roamed on his torso and build chest. Few wet strands were touching his forehead giving him a sexy look. She could smell fresh scent of soaps. She subconsciously licked her lips when her eyes followed the direction of the water drop which travelled down on his chest towards his torso and disappeared in V-line.


Sarah flinched and looked away when his phone rang loudly. She looked at her lap embarrassed thinking he caught her drooling over him. The phone kept ringing but he wasn't picking up, Sarah looked at him confused and found him looking at her with intense gaze. Heat rushed in her body with Goosebumps just by his mere look. She followed the direction of his eyes and her eyes widened when she realized that one strap of her night gown has slide down and her left boob is almost visible.

Xavier felt his member coming to life when he saw her breasts. There was nothing left for imagination. Her night gown was not doing anything to hide her full grown breasts and Sarah wasn't small either. She quickly fixed her night gown covering herself under the bed sheet.


Xavier closed his eyes frustratingly when he realized that he is getting lost in her again.

He picked up his mobile and received the call ignoring his semi erected cock.

They heard knock on the door and Xavier disconnected his call saying a very rude 'come in' which almost made Sarah flinch.

Cara, The mid age maid came in and greeted Xavier.

"Good morning Don... Sorry to interrupt you but guests will arrive in few minutes and Donna's presence is necessary..."

She said looking at Sarah hesitatingly.

Sarah remembered that last night when Ace said that Xavier's aunt is coming to meet them and she wasn't present in the wedding. It was almost the time of their arrival and she was still in her night gown.

"I will be there in few minutes..."

Sarah replied quickly.

The maid nodded with smile and left not before bowing to Xavier.

"Aunt Linda doesn't know about the reality of this marriage and it's better if she doesn't know anything. Don't create any problem for me in front of her..."

Xavier Said looking at her.

Sarah nodded timidly and stood up to leave for the washroom. She was about to walk away when Xavier grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her towards him.

"I want fucking verbal answers... This is not your father's house where you can act like a fucking princess..."

Sarah's eyes watered at his way of treating her.

"Yes I understood..."

She gulped it down but grip on her hand was hurting.

Xavier's eyes softened when he saw her glossy eyes and quickly released her arms. He looked at it and saw red hand prints forming on her pale skin. He held her hand again this time gently but it didn't stopped Sarah from flinching back. He gently caressed her red spot. No Matter how much he hates her, he can't hurt her physically. He was not like his father and never intended to become like him.


Sarah looked at him confused, she couldn't understand his behavior. One minute he was hurting her and other caressing her.

'why is he like this and why he is treating me like this... Is it because of his past. Why his eyes are always sad and looked at me like he is complaining to me. There is something which is familiar but I can't understand what. This is my first time meeting him then why he is treating me like this. Should I confront him but I don't want to hurt his healing wounds. What if I ruin it for him, I am not going to make fun of someone's terrible past. But I can't let him treat me like this either... What if he hurts me...'

He was busy inspecting her arm.

"Did you put me on the bed?..."

She asked hesitatingly.

Xavier looked up to her and his face hardened. He let go of her arm and stepped back. Sarah grabbed his hand making him look at her with the frown.


she asked.

Xavier pushed her hand away from his.

"Don't touch me..."

He spat madly and walked towards the closet.

Sarah looked at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck is his problem... go to hell, I don't care..."

She went to the washroom angrily.

They both got ready and came out. Xavier didn't Looked at her and started walking down towards the dining hall and Sarah followed him.

On the way she called Mr. William.

"I will be late Mr. William please handle everything for me..."

She informed him.

They entered the dining hall and Sarah disconnected the call. She looked up to found Richard and his wife Linda standing there.

"Good morning Aunt... Uncle..."

Xavier greeted.

Richard greeted back but Linda was standing there with mad face.

"Is this how you welcome your guests Xavier... There was no one to welcome us. Haven't you tell the rules of this house to your wife..."

Sarah raised her eyebrows at her words. She understood that it won't be easy as his aunt is a verified bitch and wasn't doing anything to hide it still she tried to handle the situation.

"I am sorry... I didn't mean this to happen..."

Sarah apologized.

"What's your name again?..."

Linda asked frowning.


She replied.

"Next time keep it in mind Sarah... You are not here to only enjoy, you have some responsibilities..."

Linda said glaring at her.

Sarah bit her lower lip controlling herself from snapping at her.

'well I am not enjoying any fucking royalty here and didn't wanted this responsibilities either.'

She shook her thoughts aside and forced a smile.

"I'll keep that in mind..."

She replied.

Richard and Xavier both were quite, they sat at the dining table and maids started serving breakfast. This was the first time Sarah was having breakfast in the mansion.

"Sarah, I heard you are working in your father's company... I don't think you need to work right now, you are Donna and Xavier is capable enough to take care of you. And what kind of clothes are you wearing, you are not a man to wear a suit, sweetheart..."

Linda said and Sarah almost lost it listening her ridiculous mentality.

"First of all I am not working there, I am the CEO... And this is 21st century where women works not because they need money, it helps to make them independent. and What kind of responsibilities you want me to take, I don't think I can load a gun and kill people over small things neither I have taken my education to sit in a castle and count the designer tiles on the walls. And about clothes then I believe in comfort, I Hope you understand that..."

Sarah tried to keep her tone gentle and professional. She was rude but didn't wanted to portrait it like that. She glanced at the Xavier who was busy eating his breakfast, Richard was doing the same.

They were like 'Fuck each other ladies, just keep us out of the war'

Linda clenched her jaw Angrily knowing Sarah isn't someone whom she can control or manipulate.

"Right! Everyone can be Rich but not classy... I understand it's not your thing..."

Sarah clutched on her spoon tightly, this woman was getting on her last nerve. they just met, why is she like that to her.


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