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Bleeding obsession novel Chapter 26

Authors pov

Sarah woke up with heavy and throbbing head. She sat up with dizzy head and sore body.

She looked around with tensed face to unfamiliar place. It was nice room and bright with sunlight, she was on comfortable bed too.


Last night's memories flashed in front of her and she started panicking. She was attacked until handsome Stanger came and drugged her. She stood up from the bed and looked outside it was broad daylight, it means she was passed out whole night.

Sarah rushed towards the door and banged on it.

"Is someone there!... Hello?..."

She yelled but got no response.

She banged few more minutes on the wooden door and gave up.

Her mind was filled with thousands of terrified thoughts.


'god! I know I have a fucked up life but I don't want to die yet... Why would they kidnap me, Xavier doesn't give a fuck about me. If they are demanding something then he will never give it... Please save me...'

Suddenly door got opened with click sound and the same man entered. He was wearing black suit, from head to toe he was in black. His hair was neatly styled, sharp jawline and deep blue eyes. He was looking handsome but dangerous.

Sarah didn't wait for a second and rushed towards the open door thinking she will escape but poor girl didn't saw his two men standing at the door.

One of them grabbed her by arm and tsk.

"Easy beautiful... Why so scared?..."

He smirked and Sarah broke down and anxiety kicked in.

"Please let me go..."

She sobbed.

Yelp escaped from her mouth when she was roughly turned around by the man and was slammed against the wall. She opened her mouth to gasp but her eyes widened when he placed the barrel of gun in her mouth.

"This is my first and last warning to you, don't fucking cry... Not even a sob... I hate crying and I'll fucking kill you..."

He gritted and she started trembling.

"Now I am going to remove this and you will sit down on the bed quietly like a good girl..."

He demanded and she nodded.

He removed the gun and she quickly wiped her tears. He locked the gun and placed it in his waistband.

Sarah sat on the bed quietly looking at him terrified. He sighed scratching his forehead.


"I am Damian knight... And you will be here until your so called husband give me my weapons... No one will hurt you until you do something crazy. So, co-operate and don't create problems for me..."

He warned.

"Keep eyes on her..."

He ordered his men and left.


Sarah tried to stop him but he was gone.

'but he doesn't care... He won't give you anything for me...'

Her throat tightened with the helplessness.

"No use... He won't listen to you..."

The man who grabbed her at the door said.

"I am jack by the way... The right hand man"

"And I am Ashton... The personal bodyguard"

The other man said with small smile as he felt bad for her. He quickly went to the washroom and Jack looked at him confused.

Sarah looked at jack wiping her tears.

"But he doesn't care... Xavier won't do anything to save me..."

Jack frowned.

"Is he blind... Who won't want a beautiful wife like you..."

Ashton came from the washroom and handed her cold bag.

"Your cheek is swollen... This will help..."

Sarah looked at him confused, why would he treat her instead of hurting.

"Look we don't mean any harm... We just want our weapons back."

Jack assured.

"Thank you..."

She thanked Ashton and took the cold bag.

She hissed when she placed it on her cheek which has red handprint.

"Are you really Natasha's sister... How can you be a good girl and she is such a bitch..."

Jack scowled.

"You know Natasha?..."

Sarah asked alert.

"Yeah, who doesn't?... Well, you don't know why we know her?..."

He frowned and Sarah shook her head No.

Jack thought for a second and cleared his throat.

"Well it doesn't matter... I'll bring you a food Please eat it and take rest..."

"Jack please help me... Xavier won't do anything, no one cares..."

Sarah Pleaded and Jack looked at her sadly.

"Sorry beautiful, I am just working here... Damian will kill me..."

With that he left, Ashton placed the food plate in front of her and closed the door, locking her inside.

Sarah's apatite was long gone, she was shaken and scared.

'why this always happens with me...'

She cried and finally fell asleep.

It was evening when she woke up again with sever headache, she expected this as she has missed her medicines.

She stood up and went towards the door. Surprisingly it was open, hope rose in her naive heart thinking she can escape.

She slowly opened the door and no one was there. Sarah took the chance and descended from the stairs. She was running looking back and checking if anyone is following her.

She ran towards the living room and looked forward, her legs halted in place when she saw Damian sitting on the sofa.

He looked up towards her and closed his eyes frustratingly.

"I didn't left the door open for this Sarah... Go back, you can't escape..."

He warned.

Sarah looked at him scared and the people front of Damian stood up. Sarah looked at them and her heart filled with happiness.

"Dad... Natasha..."

"Sarah What are you doing here?..."

Peter frowned looking at her with worried expressions.

Sarah ran towards him and grabbed his hands desperately.

"Dad please help me... He kidnapped me..."

She pleaded with glossy eyes.

Peter looked at Damian.

"Why she is here Damian?..."

Damian stood up as if he is getting bored by this drama.

"She isn't here as your daughter, she is Xavier's wife and I have a business with him. Stay away from this matter..."

Damian Said harshly.

"Get out of my house now... I don't want your slutty daughter. My father is your friend that doesn't mean I'll marry her, get out..."

Sarah raised her eyebrows amused and shocked, this is the man for whom Natasha ran from the marriage and she had to marry Xavier. Natasha is obsessed over Damian knight and he doesn't want her.


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