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Bleeding obsession novel Chapter 32

Authors pov


Xavier roared in the hallway and everyone looked at him shocked and alert.

Xavier was fuming in anger thinking how can she just give him divorce papers. His ego got scratched. He should be happy that she is going away from his life for good but that thought didn't set well with him. How can she leave him everytime and he gets to do nothing, this time he won't tolerate it. This time he won't let her go that easily without paying for her doings. If staying with him is her punishment then that's what he is going to do. He won't Let her go until she begs him for forgiveness.


He growled while entering the room.

Xavier is so blinded in his anger and hate for her that he doesn't realise that he is in deeply love with her. He didn't realized that he can't take things well when it comes to Sarah and her leaving him. In these few days she has started making her place in his life again without him realising it. He just couldn't take it well that she is leaving him that too like this.

'how can she just throw papers these fucking at me...'


His eyes roamed in the bedroom in search of her but she wasn't there. He checked in the bathroom and still couldn't find it. He finally went to their walk in closet and her side was empty. His jaw clenched at the site and blood started boiling at the thought that she has already left.


He cursed and Kicked the small chair Angrily making it flew on the wall.

He strode outside.

"Where is she?..."

He growled at the guards while gripping on the divorce papers tightly which were still in his hand.

"Boss ma'am left one hour ago..."

He replied nervously.

"And who the fuck told you to let her go... Why I wasn't informed..."

He roared making them flinch back.

"Boss we didn't knew that you had no idea..."

He replied quickly, not wanting to face the consequences.


He cursed frustratingly.

"Where are her bodyguards?..."

"I'll call them"

He answered and quickly called her guards.

"Where is Sarah?..."

Xavier asked glaring at them.

They both looked at each other confused.

"Boss she left... We were going with her but she said that you two got divorced and our work is done here. We don't need to follow her anymore..."

One of them answered.

Xavier closed his eyes frustratingly. He was craving blood.

"You did this again Sarah but I won't let it pass so easily this time."

He spat.

"Her new car has GPS tracker, I want her location in one minute otherwise you all are dead..."

He threatened and all of them started looking for her.


At the same time Ace came back to mansion from his work, he looked at the Chaos confused and Richard was standing there with disappointed face.

"What's happening here?"

He asked.

"Sarah gave divorce to Xavier and he is angry. May be don't want her to go or may be his mafia ego got hurt. Men will be men you know"

Richard shrugged.

"What?... She divorced him."

Ace raised his eyebrows amused.

"Well it shouldn't be surprising because I kind of saw this coming..."

He sighed.

"But why is he so angry?"

He looked at Xavier who was standing impatiently against the pillar lost in his own thoughts.

"Why do you care if she wants to divorce you. It's not like you cared..."

Ace said and Xavier's eyes snapped towards him.

He grabbed Ace by his collar and slammed against the pillar making everyone look at him shocked. Ace grunted when his back hit the pillar.

"Don't open your fucking mouth when you are not asked too. This is my personal matter, she is my fucking wife and I'll decide what to do with her. You are no one to fucking question me."


Ace's sympathy towards Sarah was making Xavier uncomfortable. He has never seen Ace treating women this good and it was making him insecure.

"I have told you this before and I won't warn you again, stay away from Sarah if you want to live... I know how deal with her."

He spat and let go of him with jerk.

Ace frowned looking at his behavior, he is behaving like someone has took his favorite thing. He could see the hurt and pain in his eyes which he has never seen before. He understood that Sarah's this move has moved something inside him.

'looks like fire is about to ignite...'

Ace Smirked internally and stepped back from him.

"Boss we got her location..."

Guard declared.

On other hand Sarah went to her new apartment. When she entered it felt empty inside her like she has left something valueable behind. She was excited for new beginning but it wasn't feeling like it anymore. She had some weird feeling which she couldn't understand.

"There is nothing left behind you Sarah... This is what your life and this how you have to live from now on. It's a high time to live for yourself and without expectation..."

She sighed.

She took her luggage to bedroom and changed into comfortable clothes. She was too tired to unpack so decided to do it tomorrow. But even after taking medicines she was feeling restless.

She took her medicines and was about to go to sleep but her doorbell rang and she frowned thinking who might be this late.

She walked towards the door  and opened it, her eyes widened when she saw Xavier standing in front of her with mad face.

She didn't expected him here.

"What are you____"

Before she could complete Xavier pushed her inside, kicked the door close and slammed her against the door. She gasped and whimpered at the sudden Jerk.

She looked at him shocked and gulped he was inch away from her face. She could feel his warm breath and see his veins popping out of his forehead. His jaw was occassionally clenching and unclenching.

She hissed at the tight grip which he has on her arms.

"What do you think of yourself... Huh?..."

He spat madly.

"How dare you giving me this fucking papers..."

Sarah frowned at him not understanding why he is so mad.

"Why are you so mad. I left a letter with this and this is what you want right..."

Xavier scoffed stepping back.

"This is what I want?... That's the problem that you fucking assume things. So brave of you thinking that I'll let you go so easily."

She looked at him confused.

"But why?..."

"Because I can"

He growled making her flinch back.

"How dare you fucking think that you can divorce me... Huh?... Why it's so easy for you to leave everything, everytime. You don't care about anything do you. You are so selfish that you only see your benefits..."

Sarah couldn't see the real meaning behind his words and thought that he is just taking his anger out on her and his words has no meaning but they had deep meaning which she is not able to get.

"I am selfish?"

She said madly.

"First of all I don't understand why you are so Angry when I did it a most rational way..."


He raised his eyebrows Scoffing.

"Yes rational!..."

She countered.

"You yourself Said that this is not a normal marriage... And it's so obvious from your behavior that you don't want me in your life. Sometimes I really can't understand your behavior, One time you save me from your enemies, comfort me, had s.εメ with me and other day treat me like I don't even exist. I tried to approach you, I was trying from last one week to thank you you were clearly ignoring me. If this is going to be our life then it's best to part our ways."

"So you want my attention?"

He asked glaring with hint of arrogance in his tone.

Sarah scowled.

"No! I don't but what's the purpose of staying together when you can live your life freely and I can live mine. There is nothing between us Xavier..."

She said and grabbed her by throat making her shocked. His grip wasn't tight but it wasn't gentle either. He leaned closer to her face looking at her with his piercing gaze.


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