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Bleeding obsession novel Chapter 44

Authors pov

Sarah's face went pale as she heard her father's name. All the memories from that day flashed in front of her.

'why he is here and what does he mean by he wants to take me back. He himself has told me that he is not my father then what the fuck is he want. What if he try to break this marriage, I don't want to go back in that house. He won't hesitate to sale me somewhere.'


She looked at Xavier with concerned face as he stood up from the couch. She couldn't judge from his blank face that what is he thinking. Sarah kept the plate aside and stood up too.

"He is waiting in living room..."

Ace informed.

Xavier gave him a nod and started walking outside.

Sarah followed Xavier downstairs as he walked where Peter was waiting.

Her mind was filled with thousands of questions and doubts. What if Xavier asks her to go with her father. He still don't know that she love him. May be Xavier thinks that she wants to go with her father as she has given him divorce papers few days ago.


'No! Think positive Sarah. He wouldn't have brought you back if he wants you to leave...'

She doesn't want to leave Xavier, she has finally started loving someone and herself. On top of that this man is not even her father, he himself has made it clear that he hates her and her face does nothing but reminds him of his wife's betrayal. If he took her then he will make her life hell and worst than before and she is not ready for that.

She wanted to stop Xavier and tell him that she don't want to go but he was already in front of Peter. She stood beside Xavier looking at her evil father.


"Why are you here Peter?... Haven't I made myself clear that we are no longer in any kind of alliance..."

Xavier declared.

Peter stood in front of him shamelessly.

"I know... That's why I am here to take my daughter back which I gave you in exchange of the deal. No alliance, no wife..."

He said looking at Sarah. He has no love for her. She was just a bet for him, he wants her so he can marry her with some other mafia and form new alliances. But for that he have to fake it.

"Sarah, I know I was always a bad father and couldn't give you the love you deserve but I have realized that it was all my fault and not yours. Every family has its ups and downs, please forgive me and come with me... I know you never wanted this marriage and I was wrong to force you in this. But now I am here to make everything right, come with me my child..."

He said in fake tone and Xavier clenched his jaw.

He looked at Sarah thinking she might want to go with her father. Xavier himself has no idea what he will do if she leaves him again this time. He wasn't ready for that.

Peter grabbed her hand gently but Sarah jerked it back like she has touched something burning hot. She turned around and hugged Xavier making him look at her with raised eyebrows.

"I don't want to go with him... Make him go away..."

She said hugging him tightly.

She has saw the doubt in Xavier's eyes before and she can understand that it's normal for him to think that she doesn't want to stay here as he has no idea about her feelings. So she was making it crystal clear that this is what she wants. She has no energy to fight worthless battle with her evil father. It's only going to trigger her and she will be the only one who will suffer. She decided to leave it on Xavier.

Xavier Smirked looking at Peter's shocked face and wrapped his hand around his wife holding her close to him in protective hold.

"If you don't want then no one can take you away from me baby..."

He said kissing her forehead and gave a mocking look to Peter. Sarah couldn't understand if he was genuinely saying it or just want to show It to Peter.


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