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Bogus Billionaire novel (Caroline and Kirk) novel Chapter 752

Chapter 752 

+15 BONUS 

Caroline was looking at the menu when she heard the two of them whispering

She asked curiously, What are you talking about?” 

Sean immediately put on a smile. Oh, nothing.” 

How mysterious,Gwen said disdainfully, holding Caroline’s arm

Just ignore them, Carol. Let’s order our food.” 


Caroline, Gwen, and Cheryl ordered the food while Kirk and the other two men sat aside and watched them silently

There was a slight smile on their faces, but different emotions were hidden underneath each one

After dinner, Gwen and Sean went home together. Cheryl didn’t want to be a third wheel, so she had no choice but to ride Caroline’s car

Jack, who was driving, gestured to the passenger seat. Sit here, Cheryl.” 

Cheryl glanced at Caroline and Kirk, who were holding hands, and wisely decided to sit in the 

passenger seat

When Caroline saw this, she couldn’t hold back her smile

They said it was no big deal and that they were like siblings. But in fact, it was a big deal, and they cared about each other

In the car, Kirk was the first one to speak. I watched the handover ceremony today.” 

Caroline asked, Any comments?” 

You looked beautiful, darling,Kirk said affectionately, gently touching Caroline’s fingers

Caroline didn’t know what to feel. Is that all you noticed?” 

Jack and Cheryl desperately pretended not to hear anything



Caroline amiled. So was my touching speech in vain?” 

+15 BONUS 

Kirk chuckled and patted Caroline’s head. Of course not. I can feel your love even if you don’t say it.” 

As he spoke, the smile on his face faded slightly. What did that woman mean when she said that

Who are you talking about?Caroline was confused

The woman who barged into the venue and said that you weren’t an Evans.” 

Caroline blinked, and then she laughed. Did you not recognize her? That’s Layla.” 

I generally don’t remember how other women look, aside from you.” 

Caroline’s face turned crimson at his words. You’re just saying that to charm me.” 

Kirk denied, I’m not. I meant what I said.” 

Caroline’s cheeks were burning. She glanced at Jack and Cheryl, who were trying to suppress their laughter, and hurriedly changed the topic

I don’t know the situation for now. I went over this with Gwen and the others before dinner. However, I don’t have any conclusive evidence for now.” 


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