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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maya and Alex) novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56
-Alex’s POV-
My paws pounded against the damp earth, the familiar sensation grounding me. It was one of the reasons I loved letting my wolf out-the exhilarating release of pent-up energy. This morning, especially, I had woken with a restlessness that wouldn’t be ignored So, the moment! crawled out of bed, I found myself outside, in the landscaped expanse behind the mansion, shifting
With the wind whipping through my fur and the scent of damp grass filling my nostrils, I was free. No walls could confine me, no thoughts could intrude on the raw, instinctive joy of running. Not her, not Adrian, and definitely not the conversation I’d had with my father. I pushed myself harder, letting every frustration and worry dissipate with each powerful stride.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the need to return to human form asserted itself With a loud whoosh, I shifted back, the world solidifying around me, Grabbing a set of clothes I kept at a discreet location specifically for these occasions, I pulled them on and began the walk back towards the house.
The hush of the early morning was broken only by the crunch of gravel beneath my feet. As I entered the house, the maids bowed their heads respectfully as they always did. I gave a curt nod in acknowledgement, my mind still preoccupied with the events of the past few days. My steps carried me towards my room, a haven I desperately needed.
The moment I pushed open the door, however, my haven shattered. My wolf let out a low growl, the air thick with an unwelcome presence. Even before I saw her, I recognized the cloying scent of Miranda clinging to the air like an irritating perfume. Perched precariously on the edge of my bed, eyes glued to her phone, she looked up the moment she sensed me. A smile plastered itself on her face – a smile I knew held no warmth or sincerity.
Ignoring her completely, I strode towards the closet, intent on getting ready for the day. The smile faltered, replaced by a narrowed gaze that was far more representative of the woman she truly was.
“Aren’t you even going to acknowledge me?” she purred, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness.
I gave her a withering look, barely a flicker of my annoyance escaping. “You can ignore me all you want,” she continued, her voice gaining a hint of defiance, “but the truth is, you’re stuck with me.” She tossed her hair dramatically, a move I was sure she’d practiced in front of a mirror countless times.
“But that’s not what I came to tell you about,” she added quickly, seeing the steely glint in my eyes. “It’s about Ivan’s company.”
Now I did stop, turning to face her fully. My eyes narrowed, a silent warning. “I already told you no. Now get out of my room.”
“You know you don’t have to be so hostile all the time,” she pouted, her voice taking on a childish whine. “And I’m not leaving until you agree to help him.” She straightened up, puffing out her chest in a pathetic attempt to appear assertive.
Leaving the clothes I’d been holding, I stalked towards her, my measured and deliberate. She flinched back slightly, her bravado momentarily dissolving.
“Then you’ll be spending an eternity here,” I growled, my voice low and dangerous. “Or maybe I’ll just throw you out.”
The threat hung heavy in the air. Her eyes widened a fraction, and a tremor ran through her carefully manicured facade. For a moment, i thought she might actually back down, but then she squared her shoulders, a flicker of defiance returning to her gaze.
Chapter 56
“You wouldn’t dare,” she hissed.
I clenched my fists, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. Dealing with Miranda was like trying to reason with a stubborn child then she let out a frustrated huff, “Whatever. I have to be at the hospital anyway.”
Against my better judgment, the words left my lips, “Why are you going to the hospital?” My voice was clipped, but there was a hint of curiosity that even I couldn’t disguise.
A triumphant smirk bloomed across her face, and a surge of regret washed over me for even entertaining the idea of engaging with her. But. before I could turn away, her voice, laced with a hint of satisfaction, sliced through the air.
“I’m going to check on my sister-in-law,” she announced, her words dripping with a calculated sweetness.
Everything in me froze. My breath hitched in my throat, and the room seemed to shrink, the air growing thick with suffocating silence. Her smile widened. She knew she had me cornered.
As much as I loathed giving her the satisfaction, the question tumbled out of my lips before I could stop it. “What happened to Amaya?”
She shrugged nonchalantly, feigning disinterest, and turned towards the door as if to leave. But the glint in her eyes betrayed her act. She thrived on drama, on having the upper hand. in a flash, I was across the room, my hand shooting out to grab hers before she could disappear
“What. Happened. To. Amaya?” Each word was a growl, laced with a dangerous edge.
Miranda’s facade crumbled. Her eyes flashed with anger, and she yanked her hand free with surprising force. “Get your hands off me!” She hissed, her voice laced with venom.
“If you want to know,” she continued, her voice regaining a semblance of control, “go to the hospital and find out yourself.” with that, she turned on her heels and swept out of the room, her victory complete.
The moment the door slammed shut behind her, my wolf erupted within me. He paced a mental cage, his frustration and fear palpable. It didn’t matter that I rejected her, he still considered her as his mate. The rejection may have severed some of the connection, but the bond remained, a tethered lifeline that pulsed with a primal urgency.
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I forced myself to focus and calm down then I prepared, got into my car and drove off.
It had taken everything in me to turn the car in the direction of my company.Every fiber of my being screamed at me to get back in the car and race to the hospital. The information I’d gleaned with a single phone call felt branded onto my brain-Amaya’s name, the hospital room number echoing in the empty space of my skull. But instead of following that primal urge, I found myself back in the sterile confines of my office, the silence broken only by the rhythmic hum of the computer and the occasional squeak of my pen across paper.
Focusing on work was an uphill battle. The spreadsheets on the screen blurred, the reports swam before my eyes. Every notification, every chime, sent a jolt of restless energy through me, making my already jumpy nerves even more on edge.
My wolf continued to growl pushing against the confines of head to go to her. To make sure that she was okay but I managed to push him
Three hours passed in a blur of forced concentration. I’d buried myself in work, throwing myself into a maelstrom of activity, anything to silence the frantic chatter in my head. Finally, with a sigh of exhaustion, I leaned back in my chair, rubbing the tension from my temples when Ruth walked through the door,
“Mr. Thorne,” she began but her eyes held the surprise, “I managed to schedule as many meetings as you requested for the rest of the day, is there anything you need me to do?” The surprise was still evident in her gaze. I understood why
Chapter 56
She knew my aversion to unnecessary human Interaction. Keeping my dealings with others to a minimum was what I did so as to avoid human interaction. Yet, here I was, overloading myself with meetings, a clear sign that something was off balance.
I let out a slow nod, “Thank you for handling that. That will be all,”
She lingered for a moment, her gaze searching my face. There was a question hovering on her lips, but she held her tongue but with a nod, she retreated, closing the door softly behind her.
The sterile silence returned, but the disquiet within me remained. I was a man divided. Part of me yearned to be at the hospital to make sure she was okay. The other part, the more logical side, knew that my presence would be unwanted. Besides, there was the risk of bumping into
my fists. Miranda, of having to deal with her smug satisfaction. The thought was enough to make me clench
I rose from my chair and paced the length of the office. Every instinct told me to act, to go to the hospital, but a nagging doubt held me back. My presence would only complicate things.
My wolf let out another low growl that vibrated through my bones. This time, there was no second guessing. I snatched my keys, the metal icy against my clammy palm, and sprinted towards the car making my way to the hospital.
Immediately I got of the car, the air went still and I immediately knew why. Before I even saw him, I felt his presence. I tuned my head coming
father. face to face with the only man I hated more than my
Daniel Stone.


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