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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 

-Maya’s POV- 

Two days had melted away, like ice cubes in a forgotten glass of soda. Ivan was back. Not just back in the house, but back in our bed, his arm draped casually across my waist. Sunlight streamed through the gaps in the curtains, painting stripes across his bare chest and the tangled mess of sheets that clung to us both

The morning felt thick with a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft snores coming from the nursery down the hall. The twins were finally asleep after a whirlwind reunion with Natalia yesterday. They’d tackled her like tiny tornadoes, demanding cuddles, playtime, and endless snacks in rapid succession. Thankfully, new the nanny I’d hired a kind, nononsense woman named Ms. Rodriguez had arrived just in time. Now, with the house quiet and the city outside just beginning to stir, a sense of peace settled over me that I hadn’t realized I was missing

Morning, sleepyhead,Ivan murmured, his voice husky with sleep. He nudged me gently with his nose, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips

I stretched, the kinks in my muscles protesting after a night of restless sleep. The events of the past few days still felt raw, a tender wound beneath the surface. But curled up next to Ivan, the warmth of his body radiating beside me, a sliver of hope flickered within me

Technically, it’s past morning,” I teased, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. The harsh red digits screamed 10:13 AM. We’re supposed to be at work” 

He chuckled, a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine. Work can wait,he declared, rolling over to face me. His eyes, usually so serious, held a playful glint. Besides, I called in sick for both of us. Told them I had afamily emergency.” 

My cheeks flushed. Ivan!I protested, a smile tugging at my lips despite myself. They’ll know it’s a lie.” 

Let them think what they want,he smiled, his gaze flickering down to my lips. Right now, all I care about is you.” 

He leaned in, his lips brushing mine in a soft, lingering kiss. The familiar spark ignited within me, chasing away the lingering shadows of doubt. We melted into each other, the tension from the past few days dissolving with each touch

Just then, a loud clatter came from the nursery, followed by a chorus of excited babbling. The twins were awake

We disentangled ourselves reluctantly, both reaching for our phones to check for any updates from the security team. Still nothing. Tiso days 

of relentless searching had yielded zilch. It was frustrating, unsettling, but at least the house felt more secure now, Ivan had tripled the security detail, much to Natalia’s amusement

Looks like another day of playing house huh?Ivan sighed, stretching his arms over his head

House and office,I corrected, grabbing my phone and heading towards the bathroom. We can’t exactly ignore work forever.” 

True, true,he conceded, following me with a smile. But maybe we can squeeze in a quick lunch breakjust the two of us

I opened my mouth to reply, but the sound was cut short by a loud, insistent shout from the nursery. The twins weren’t waiting for an 


Our quick lunch breakended up being a hurried exchange of sandwiches in the kitchen, punctuated by Ms. Rodriguez’s patient attempts to entertain Ivy and Nate’s whirlwinds. It wasn’t exactly romantic, but there was a comforting normalcy to it, a sense of life moving forward despite the storm that had threatened to tear it apart


13:02 Mon, 24 Jun 

Chapter 112 

By the afternoon, the house was a symphony of chaos. Building blocks scattered like colorful confetti across the living room floor, the remnants of a halfeaten snack smeared across the coffee table. The twins, fueled by boundless energy, chased each other around the house, their joyful shrieks echoing through the halls

As the day wore on, a strange sense of exhaustion settled over me. It wasn’t just the physical fatigue of chasing after toddlers, but an emotional weariness as well. The events of the past week had taken their toll, leaving me feeling raw and vulnerable

By the time the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, I was ready to collapse. Ivan seemed to sense my exhaustion. He scooped up a giggling ivy, settling her comfortably against his shoulder. I cradled Nate in my arms, the weight of his tiny body a familiar comfort. We ascended the stairs to the their room, a silent promise hanging in the air a promise of a real conversation, a chance to untangle the mess of 

emotions that simmered beneath the surface


The room was bathed in the soft glow of a nightlight, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Ms. Rodriguez, a small smile playing on her lips

was packing up her bag

They’ve been little angels today,she muttered, her voice warm and reassuring. Just a bit tired now, that’s all.” 

Thank you, Ms. Rodriguez,I whispered sincerely, handing Nate over to her for a final cuddle. We really appreciate you.” 

Of course, dear,she replied, her gaze flickering between us. You two take care of yourselves. And remember, a happy marriage makes for happy children.” 

With a wink and a wave, she exited the room, leaving us alone with the soft sighs of the sleeping twins. The silence that followed felt heavy

laden with unspoken words

So,Ivan began, with that charming smile on his face as soon as we got back to our room, Now that they are both asleep…. 

He pulled me closer to him, his eyes darkening with desire. I leaned up planting my lips on his, What happens now that they are asleep?I murmured my body responding instantly to the touch of his lips against mine. They’ll probably wake up in a few minutes.” 

He closed the distance and smashed his lips on mine. I moaned when his tongue found its way inside my mouth and then his hands were taking off my clothes the next instant. We both landed on the bed and I giggled but it was immediately wiped off when I saw the look on his 


He got up, and pulled my legs to the edge of the bed, Whatwhat are you doing?” 

He smirked before kneeling in between my legs. I gasped when I felt his lips on my thighs. 

Trust me,he murmured, looking up at me, lust shining from his gaze. He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on my pussy. I squirmed when he licked my folds and then plunged his tongue inside me. I moaned and I couldn’t help it when I arched my back and spread my legs 

wide open

Oh, Goddess!I whimpered when he did it again. This time he stopped and stood, and I watched as he undressed himself. Oh, God, he was beautiful! His muscles were taut, defined and smooth. The sight of him sent a wave of desire coursing through my body. He came closer to me, his eyes locking with mine, and lowered himself over me

His cock brushed against me and I shuddered. He grabbed my hand, placing it over his heart, so I could feel how fast it was beating

I never want to stop feeling this way,he whispered. For as long as I live, I want to feel your heart beating under my hand. I want to wake up every morning to see your eyes on me.” 

He brushed his lips over mine silently telling me how much he truly loved me. I grabbed his face, kissing him passionately. As our tongues 



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