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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15
-Alex’s POV-
My phone buzzed, the insistent hum jarring against the simmering rage coiled in my gut. I answered, my voice clipped, barely above a growl.
“Alex,” the smooth, unruffled voice on the other end sent another shot of irritation through the. “Got your message. You really sure about this?”
A harsh scoff escaped my throat. “Do I sound unsure?”
“Think of the consequences,” the man continued, his tone even, almost emotionless. “This ain’t some schoolyard scuffle. Daniel Stone might be an arrogant k , but he’s also Amaya’s father,”
The name hit me like a e r punch. My jaw clenched, teeth grinding together. But I didn’t care. I didn’t care about her anymore. The same words I had been telling myself the last few days.”
“What’s your point?” I spat, venom lacing each word
“Think, Alex,” the urgency crept back into his voice, a hint of steel finally breaking through. “Taking down Daniel won’t be a walk in the park. There’ll be retaliation, chaos. Amaya could get caught in the crossfire. You ready to live with that?”
Fury washed over me, cold and suffocating. I didn’t need a lecture on the fallout. I know the risks, the potential damage. But the image of Daniel’s smug face, the memory of his taunts, fueled my resolve.
“I don’t give a d a m n about them,” I snarled, my voice low and dangerous. “Daniel Stone crossed a line. Played his games, pushed me to the edge. Now, he pays.”
Silence stretched on the other end, heavy and thick. Then, a sigh. “Alright, Alex. Just remember, the path you’re on is dark. No turning back once you step
onto it
“No looking back,” I said, my voice hard as stone. “I won’t rest until I see Daniel Stone on his knees, begging for mercy. Until then, the only consequence 1 care about is his.”
The line went dead, leaving me alone with the echo of my own words and the stark reality of my choice. There would be a price, innocent lives caught in the maelstrom of my vengeance. But the wolf within, the primal need for retribution, drowned out any flicker of doubt.
I slammed the phone down, the force sending a tremor through the room. My fists clenched, knuckles white, the image of Daniel’s face burning behind my closed eyelids.
This wasn’t just about settling a score. It was about dominance, reclaiming the power Daniel had stolen, Proving, to myself and the world, that I wouldn’t be pushed around, wouldn’t be made a fool.
I stormed out of the room, grabbing my keys and heading home hoping Miranda was asleep so I wouldn’t have to deal with her because I was definitely not in the mood.
The roar of my engine died down, punctuating the storm raging inside me. I slammed the car door shut, the vibration echoing the fury trembling in my limbs. The metallic g of rage clung to me, mirroring the bitter taste in my mouth.
Bursting through the front door, I nearly ripped it off its hinges. I almost let out a groan when i saw her.
Miranda sat perched on a plush armchair, swirling wine in her hand. Each tap of her perfectly manicured nails against the crystal goblet was a taunt against the chaos I carried.
“Ah, Alex,” she drawled, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. “Just the man I was hoping to see.”
Chapter 15
Ignoring her, I headed straight for the stairs but Miranda wasn’t one to be easily dismissed.
“Don’t we have something to discuss?” she purred.
I stopped, pivoting on the bottom step. The anger in my eyes could curdle milk, a stark contrast to the amusement playing on her lips.
“Not now, Miranda,” Igrowled, barely controlling the beast within.
“Oh, but I think it is,” she countered, her smile widening ever so slightly. “Seems your Congratulations gifts are in order, wouldn’t you agree?”
mate just tied the knot with my dear brother.
The mention of Amaya sent a fresh jolt of anger through me. I didn’t need this, not now.
“Just send something generic,” I snapped, turning back towards the stairs.
“Generic?” she feigned shock, eyes widening dramatically. “But how utterly… dull. Don’t you think a personalized touch would be more fitting for the Alpha’s mate?”
“I said, generic!” I repeated, voice tight with barely contained rage.
She tilted her head, a knowing glint in her eyes. “Such hostility, darling. One would almost think the news upset you.”
I clenched my jaw, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a reaction. But she persisted, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness.
“Perhaps you’re feeling a tad… left out? After all, your little reunion with your past didn’t quite go as planned, did it?”
My fists clenched at my sides, nails digging into my palms. I knew where this was going, the subtle jabs, the veiled threats. Miranda always enjoyed twisting the knife.
“Don’t push your luck, Miranda,” I warned, my voice a dangerous rumble.
“Oh, but wouldn’t you know,” she continued, her smile never faltering. “Luck seems to be on my side lately. And speaking of luck, I received a rather interesting package today.”
My breath hitched, a sliver of fear worming its way through the anger. I knew what she was talking about. The picture, the one reminder of a past i desperately wanted to bury.
“Don’t even think about it,” I growled, taking a step towards her.
She stood, her smile widening into a triumphant smirk. “Think about what, darling? Sharing a little secret with my brother? Perhaps reminding him exactly who his wife truly is?”
My blood ran cold. I couldn’t let her do this. Amaya didn’t deserve to be dragged into their twisted game.
“You wouldn’t,” I spat, my voice laced with desperation.
“Wouldn’t I?” she challenged, her eyes gleaming with malice. “Why don’t you test me and see?”
I stood frozen, caught between rage and fear, the weight of her threat heavy on my chest.
She took another step closer, her voice a low whisper. “You see, Alex, the game has changed. And this time, I hold all the cards.”
The air d w ith unspoken tension, the silence thick and suffocating. I stared at her and I knew she wouldn’t hesitate to use the picture, to destroy Amaya if it meant gaining an advantage.
Chapter 16
1 looked up at him, a small laugh escaping my lips. “With what just happened with that interview, yes please.”
He cupped my chin in his hand, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. “I’m sure you didn’t,” he stated confidently. “You did great, Amaya. They would be foolish not to call you back.”
Instead of arguing, I met his gaze, a silent gratitude welling up within me,”So, where are we going then?” I asked, a flicker of curiosity sparking in my
He winked, a hint of mischief dancing in his dark eyes. “That, my love, is a surprise.”
He led me through bustling bodies until we stopped in front of a small, unassuming building adorned with a faded blue awning and a single flickering lantern above the doorway. A hand-painted sign proclaimed it “The Midnight Muse,”
“Intriguing,” I murmured, a smile tugging at my lips.
Ivan squeezed my hand. “Ready for something unexpected?”
I nodded, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He winked conspiratorially. “Follow me,” he said, leading me to a hidden door tucked away in the corner of the room. It creaked open, revealing a narrow passage lit by dim sconces. We descended a flight of rickety stairs, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the silence.
At the bottom, the passage opened into a small, circular room. In the center stood a massive telescope, pointed towards a skylight directly overhead. The night sky glittered above, a canvas of stars sparkling like diamonds s**d on black velvet.
“Wow,” I breathed, awestruck.
“A friend of mine had this space built a few years ago,” Ivan explained, placing a hand on my shoulder. “She wanted a place to escape the city lights and reconnect with the universe.”
He led me towards the telescope, his voice gentle as he guided me on how to adjust the lens. I peered through the eyepiece, and a gasp escaped my lips. The vastness of space unfolded before me, a dizzying array of stars and celestial bodies stretching out infinitely.
“It’s beautiful,” I whispered, humbled by the immensity of it all.
He smiled, his gaze meeting mine. “It is,” he agreed, his voice warm and soft. “But it doesn’t hold a candle to you.”
A blush crept up my cheeks, but before I could respond, a shooting star streaked across the inky black canvas. “Make a wish,” Ivan whispered, his breath tickling my ear.
I closed my eyes, a silent wish forming on my lips. As I opened my eyes, I met Ivan’s gaze. The city lights may have faded, but the warmth in his eyes shone brighter than any star.
He stepped closer tucking a stray hair behind her ear, “I think I’m in love with you.”
Chapter 15
But then, a different thought surfaced, a cold, calculating plan taking root in my mind. I met her gaze, a new steely glint replacing the raw anger.
“Alright, Miranda,” I said, my voice surprisingly calm. “Let’s play your game. I will help you pick out the gifts.”
Her smile faltered for a moment, surprised by the sudden shift. But it quickly returned, wider and more dangerous than before.
“Excellent,” she purred, leaning closer. “But remember, darling, in this game, there are no winners, only survivors. And right now,” paused, her voice dpdropping to a chilling whisper, “I have the upper hand.”
Theld her gaze, my own smile mirroring hers, but tinged with a darkness she couldn’t comprehend. “We’ll see about that, Miranda,” I murmured.
Her tone dropped turning seductive as she moved closer to me, “I had loved when you f*d *me when you are angry,” she whispered, closing the distance between us and running a hand down my chest.
Werewolves were sexual creatures and Miranda had a body made for sin. That was how she had entrapped me in the first place. I felt my wolf stir. He might not feel any connection to her but it was undeniable that she was a good **k.
She stood on her tiptoe bringing her lips to my ear, “I can see the lust in your eyes. I can heat the growl you are trying to silence. You know you want to so do it. F**k me, Alex.”
I had two choices here. I could walk a way or give my wolf the release we both needed. Her hands moved down slowly and with a growl, I slammed his lips on hers.
My hands moved to her hips and I lifted her up, pressing her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around my waist. She moaned loudly as my fingers found their way to her wetness.
“F**k me, Alex **k me hard.” She begged. I did as she asked and moved my fingers until I felt my o**m building up then added another.
“Alex,” She gasped, “Don’t stop.”
I waited until her eyes closed and I felt her body shiver then my fingers stopped moving. Her eyes snapped open suddenly, “Alex? Why did you-
The words were cut short as my claws extended, wrapping them around her neck,
“Alex,” She gasped my name again but this time, it was from my hand squeezing the life out of her.
I leaned closer, “I will tell you only once, you ever threaten me again and I won’t hesitate to snap your neck.” My hands squeezed harder until she was struggling, “I am Alex Thorne. No one threatens me and gets away with it. Do. You. Understand?”
She managed a nod and I let her go, her body crumbled to the ground.
“And if you ever threaten Amaya again? I don’t care what your last name is. I will slit your throat.”


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