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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Maya’s POV- 

The door creaked open under the weight of my apprehension. My father sat in his usual armchair, a snifter of brandy swirling in his hand. The fire crackled, casting long, dancing shadows on the walls, but it offered little warmth to the icy knot of fear tightening in my gut

His gaze snapped towards me the moment I entered. The scowl etched on his face deepened, carving lines of disapproval even deeper into his weathered features

There you are,he rumbled, his voice laced with a dangerous edge,. About time. I’ve been waiting.” 

I can explain,Irushed out, the words tumbling from my lips before he could scream at me. Giving him a chance to speak first was a losing strategy, I knew. It happened so last, and before I knew it, the words were coming out of my mouth.” 

The frown on his face deepened, a storm cloud gathering above his narrowed eyes. What are you going on about now?” 

I took a moment to stare at him. He wascalm. Completely uncharacteristically calm. If the news had reached him, he would be exploding in my face by now, Instead, he remained seated, his features locked in a mask of restrained rage which was usual for him

I would never understand why he was always so angry

e you talking about, Amaya?” 

What are you 

Nothing.I recovered quickly, forcing a smile, It was nothing. Why did you ask me to come here?” 

He held my gaze, his eyes boring into mine. We both knew I was lying but instead of pushing it, as was his usual tactic, he simply said, Do you have the documents signed already?” 

The question caught me off guard. You just gave them to me yesterday, father, I reminded him. I had an interview today. So no.” 

Interview for what?” he asked, a flicker of curiosity momentarily replacing the storm in his eyes

A job,” was all I said, yet again, he didn’t push it. My mind raced, wondering what was going on. This uncharacteristic calmness, this lack of his usual interrogatory barrage- it was unnerving

Ivan called,he continued, his voice flat. I froze for a split second, a flicker of panic shooting through me. Why did he? Did something happen?No,he said, seemingly dismissing the question with a wave of his hand. He wants you to move in with him. I already sent your things to his place.” 

Everything about that statement infuriated me- the casualness of his tone, the audacity of making decisions about my life without consulting me. kept my voice calm, forcing it to remain level. At least it was better than dealing with the aftermath of him finding out what I had told Ivan

Is that all?I asked, managing a semblance of composure

Yes,he said, his gaze flickering away for a moment


I bowed my head in a gesture of respect, a formality ingrained in me since childhood. He was my Alpha, after all, and despite our strained relationship, the hierarchy remained. I’m leaving now.” 

He gave a curt nod, his attention already seemingly focused elsewhere. I turned and left the room, the door swinging shut behind me with a sigh, mimicking the relief that flooded my system

Outside, the cool evening air hit me like a slap, a welcome change from the suffocating atmosphere within. I had a lot of questions swimming through my head

12:01 Thu, 20 Jun

Chapter 19 

Why the sudden calmness

Why hadn’t he pressed me about han

Did he know

The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me with a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach. My hand instinctively reached for my phone, a familiar comfort in the unfamiliar disquiet. The screen flickered to life, revealing a list of contacts. His name was at the very top. No matter how much I tried. I could never bring myself to delete it. Despite everything, my finger hovered over it for a moment too long. Without much thought, I pressed dial 

The phone pressed against my ear felt heavy. It went on ringing and I wondered if he still used the number. Just as I was about to give up, the ringing stopped. He had picked up. Silence. Neither of us spoke, the air thick with unspoken words

Finally, his voice broke the quiet. He spoke my name, a single word that hung in the air, heavy with expectation. A deep breath hitched in my throat, a cold jolt running through me. Before I could respond, before the carefully constructed dam holding back my emotions could crumble, I hit the end call 


The phone sank back into my hand, feeling oddly heavy. I let out a shaky breath, blinking rapidly as tears welled up in my eyes

What had I just done

Alex had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me so why couldn’t just let him go or hate him after everything he did to me. I loved him. With everything I had

I closed my eyes, the night we first met replaying in my head

I didn’t want to go to the club. I had a whole lot of projects and I was stressed but Natalia managed to convince me with her usual Natalia rant. My gaze drifted across the room, scanning the faces lost in the pulsating energy as soon as I entered. Yes I loved to party but I was not in the mood today so I had 

to find a quiet area

And then… 

Everything stopped

The music faded into a distant hum and my breath hitched in my throat as my eyes locked onto him. Across the crowded room, time seemed to bend around us. His presence filled the space, an undeniable pull drawing me in 

A low growl rumbled deep within me, a sound that wasn’t mine. My wolf, always attuned to my emotions, recognized him instantly. Mate 

The word echoed in the silent space between us, a raw, powerful truth that left no room for doubt. But the moment was shattered before it could fully bloom. Natalia tugged me forward with a shout. Come on, Maya! Let’s dance!” 

The connection, the intensity it all evaporated as quickly as it appeared. Gone. Leaving behind a tremor that shook me to my core, a brand seared into my soul

Natalia’s grip tightened, pulling me away towards the pulsating mass of dancers. I stumbled forward, my mind reeling, my senses overwhelmed. I pushed her hand away, a desperate need for escape rising within me

Sure, Natalia,I choked out, But I need to use the bathroom, like, right now.” 

I pushed through the crowd, bodies brushing past me, sweat clinging to my skin. I needed space, needed to understand what the heck just happened. Reaching the bathroom, I stumbled inside, slamming the door shut behind me with a loud bang. I leaned against the cool tile wall, letting out a shaky breath. My wolf whined within me, a low, mournful sound. Mate. The word kept echoing in my mind

Then, the air in the bathroom shifted. A change, subtle yet undeniable. My breath caught in gay throat, my eyes darting around the small space. He was here

Chapter 19 

I didn’t turn around. Fear, excitement, and a strange sense of anticipation warred within me. The silence stretched between us, thick and heavy I could almost feel his presence radiating across the small room, his gaze burning into me

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, I broke the tension. You shouldn’t be in here. The sign says females only” 


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