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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 3

Chapter Three

~Maya’s POV~

The entire air was sucked out of the room or maybe it was because I forgot how to breathe. Memories, buried deep, surged back with an unbearable intensity.

I couldn’t ignore the betrayal, the pain he’d inflicted when he coldly cast me aside. “I reject you, Amaya Stone,” his words echoed relentlessly in my mind, each syllable a stab to my wounded soul. And yet, despite the hurt, a part of me couldn’t help but acknowledge the lingering connection, the remnants of the love we once shared.

My mouth opened to say something— say anything. Luckily my father beat me to it when his growl reverberated in my ear, “What is he doing here?”

Ivan looked between Alex and my father while I watched the man who had ripped out my heart without a second thought walk towards Ivan’s sister, whisper something in her ear before they made their way to the far end of the dining hall.

My wolf howled, urging me to make a move but I couldn’t.

“I didn’t realize Miranda would bring him,” Ivan glanced at his sister who was chatting away happily as members of their pack congratulated her, his eyes narrowed, “And I did not realize their relationship had gone this far.”

“You don’t like him?”

There was no need to look at my father. I heard the smile in his voice when he asked the question.

“I have no feelings towards him. Alex Thorne is not a man I would trust but my sister has never been one to listen to me. I cannot tell her who she should or shouldn’t be with.”

The easy smile returned to his face, “Let’s not let one bad egg ruin our evening, shall we proceed?”

The dinner went on and I was slowly dying. Everytime my eyes turned in their direction, my heart broke even more.

He used to smile at me just like that.

How could he not feel my wolf? How could he not feel the pain seeping from me? I hated how much it still hurt after all these years because the only thing I ever wanted to feel towards him was hate.

It came as a surprise that Miranda hadn’t brought him to our side of the table for a formal congratulations but I went on with my food eating quietly.

Through the haze, I was aware of Ivan trying to make small talk but I could hardly focus.

“Behave yourself, Amaya,” my father growled beside me suddenly, “Stop looking at him like a lost puppy. I don’t want Ivan finding out about your ties to that bastard.”

In the wake of my father’s warning, I kept my gaze trained on my plate, refusing to let them eyes wander back to the distant corner when Ivan caught my unease.

“You are hardly eating, don’t you like the food?”

“It’s not that.. I .. The food is lovely.. I just..”

“Get out!” The sudden sharp command echoed through the hall.

All eyes shifted to my father who had risen to his feet glaring at Alex, a silent fury radiating from him. The room had fallen into silence, everyone anticipating what would happen next.

The smile fell from Alex’s face as if he suddenly became aware of other people around him then it happened.

His eyes left my father, scanning the room like he was searching for something until they landed on me.

A flicker of surprise crossed his features as our eyes met across the room, a collision of emotions growing within me like a storm. My wolf stirred, responding to the magnetic pull, urging me towards him. I knew without a doubt that he felt it too– mirrored my feelings but just as swiftly as the connection sparked to life, his demeanor shifted. His eyes, once soft with a hint of recognition, hardened before traveling back to my father.

Ivan rose, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension, “Mr stone I think—“ but my father’s voice cut through like a blade.

“I want him out. I will not sit here anymore and eat in the same room as that bastard.”


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