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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42 

-Maya’s POV- 

My head snapped towards Ivan, surprise coursing through me. His declaration hung in the air, a bombshell that left the room stunned. A low murmur erupted among the pack members, a mixture of confusion and curiosity

Petrov, his face contorted in disbelief, sputtered, What are you talking about, Ivan? You can’t just waltz in and declare yourself Alpha. There are rules, traditions” 

Traditions? Yes, there are traditions, Petrov. And one of those traditions is respecting the wishes of the Alpha, especially when those wishes are documented and signed.With a flourish, he reached into his inner jacket pocket and produced a sheaf of papers

These,he declared, holding the papers up, are the official merger agreements between the Crescent Pack and the SilverCrest Pack, signed by none other than Daniel Stone.” 

A collective gasp arose from the assembled wolves. Petrov lunged forward, his eyes wide with a mixture of disbelief and dawning dread. Let me see those!” 

Ivan held the documents just out of reach, a steely glint in his eyes. Not so fast, Petrov. There’s more.He flipped through the 


his gaze 

fixed on a specific section. Here it is,he announced, his voice resonating with quiet authority. The agreement clearly states that in the event of Daniel’s incapacitation, the Alpha position of the Crescent Pack would be assumed by me, Ivan, until such time as Daniel is able to resume his duties.” 

Butbut Daniel never mentioned this,Petrov stammered

Perhaps,Ivan countered, his tone laced with a hint of amusement, because he didn’t think it would happen this soon. But as these documents clearly state, the groundwork for this merger has been in progress for quite some time. Daniel simply wanted to ensure the future of both our packs.” 

Petrov shook his head, a desperate edge creeping into his voice. This can’t be right. There must be some mistake. This is all a setup, some elaborate scheme you and Maya cooked up to steal the Alpha position.” 

A wave of anger surged through me, but before I could voice my outrage, Ivan cut in, his voice hardening. Why would she want to steal a position that is already hers?” 

Petrov hesitated, his bluster fading further. He darted a nervous glance towards me, his eyes flickering with a flicker of guilt that quickly morphed back into defiance

Regardless of that,he argued, grasping at straws, these documents could be forgeries. We need to verify their authenticity before we blindly accept them.” 

A smirk played on Ivan’s lips. Of course, due diligence is important. But fear not. I’ve already taken the liberty of having these documents verified by a third party, a completely neutral source outside both our packs. Here’s the confirmation.” 

He produced another document, this one thinner, and tossed it onto the table in front of Petrov. The room held its breath as Petrov hesitantly picked it up and scan the contents. His face drained of all color as he finished reading

So,Ivan continued, his voice low and dangerous, do you still question the legitimacy of these documents? Or are you finally 


Chapter 42 

ready to accept the will of your Alpha?” 

Petrov slumped back in his chair, defeated. The fight had seeped out of him, replaced by a dull resignation. II suppose not,” he mumbled

A triumphant glint lit up Ivan’s eyes. He swept his gaze across the room, taking in the stunned faces of the pack members. Then,he boomed, his voice filling the room, let me reiterate. As per the official agreements and the wishes of Daniel Stone, the Crescent Pack and the SilverCrest Pack are now merged into one. And as the designated leader of the SilverCrest Pack, I, Ivan, will stand beside Maya, the rightful heir of the Crescent Pack, as coAlpha of this newly formed pack.” 

A stunned silence descended upon the room, broken only by the soft rustle of movement

I had watched the exchange in silence, my mind flying everywhere. My father seemed like the type to just relinquish his power, no matter what the circumstances. Yes, I had known about the merger that was the whole reason behind my father’s marriage proposal with Ivan. But the way Ivan had just blindsided me, turning the tide of the entire power struggle in his favor while seemingly tipping the scales in mine moments beforeit left me feeling utterly disoriented

As Ivan delivered his final pronouncement, his gaze swept across the room, taking in the stunned faces of the pack members. My own expression, however, must have remained a mask, for I barely registered the expectant stares that followed his declaration. My mind was locked in a battle with itself, trying to reconcile the Ivan I thought I was getting to know with the man who had just orchestrated this elaborate power play

Amaya,Ivan’s voice finally cut through the fog in my head, his tone gentle as he addressed me with a smile. We did it.” 

I blinked, momentarily brought back to the present moment. What?” 

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, then a hint of amusement crept into his eyes. You’re supposed to acknowledge what I just said, CoAlpha,he teased softly

CoAlpha?I repeated. My mind raced. CoAlpha. Merger. All these words swam before my eyes, a dizzying concoction of emotions threatening to boil over. I forced myself to nod, the gesture stiff and mechanical. Yes,I managed, Ivan and I will lead the pack together. We are one now.” 

The words felt hollow on my tongue. My stomach churned with a cocktail of confusion, betrayal, and a flicker of something elsewas it fear? Without another word, I turned on my heel and marched out of the room, leaving behind the stunned silence and Ivan’s surprised gaze

He followed close behind, a heavy silence settling between us as we walked outside. We reached his car, and I climbed in without a word, the leather seat offering a small comfort in the midst of the emotional chaos swirling inside me. The car ride was a tense affair, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of leaves as we drove through the woods. Every fiber of my being bristled with unspoken anger

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, he broke the silence,his voice laced with a hint of caution, shattering the suffocating quiet. You are upset with me

I remained silent, refusing to acknowledge his question. It wasn’t a matter of being upset.It was a fullblown maelstrom of emotions threatening to erupt

He let out a sigh, the sound heavy with resignation. Alright, I understand. I’m sorry, Amaya. I truly am.” 


11:36 Fri, 21 Jun er 

Chapter 42 


Sorry?I finally snapped, my voice sharper than I intended. Sorry doesn’t even begin to cover it, Ivan. You completely blindsided me in there. How could you do that?” 

He flinched slightly at the harshness in my tone, but his gaze remained steady. II didn’t expect Petrov to react the way he did. Honestly, I had no plans for it to go down that way.” 

No plans?I repeated, incredulous. It looked like you thought about the whole thing ahead. Documents and all, and you’re telling me you had no plans?” 

The merger was always going to happen. Daniel 

approach the whole coAlpha thing with you. I didn’en working on it for months. But I admit, I wasn’t sure how to 


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