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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

-Maya’s POV- 

Brother?The question tumbled out of my mouth that echoed in the deafening silence of the car

You had a brother, Amaya,Ivan clarified, his voice laced with a sadness that mirrored the turmoil swirling inside me. He died before you were even born. I don’t know all the details surrounding his death, but I do know it hit your father hard. Devastated wouldn’t even begin to 

describe it.” 

Dead? But how do you know? And why didn’t my father ever mention him?” 

Suddenly, a memory from the hospital flickered in my mind. My father’s harsh words, laced with a bitter sadness: Because they took him away from me.” 

Could it be? Was this brother the one taken away? The thought sent a shiver down my spine

When I became Alpha,Ivan continued, his voice low, I had to learn about all the other packs in the city, their histories, their rivalries. That’s how I found out about your brother. Apparently, he almost burned down the entire city in a rage, seeking revenge on the one responsible for his death.He hesitated for a moment, then added, Alex’s father” 

My eyes snapped to his face, searching for any hidden meaning, any deception. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. The animosity between my father and Alex’s pack. His unending hate for Alex. It all made a twisted kind of sense

Alex’s father? I could have had a brother,I whispered

Ivan reached over, his hand gently squeezing my knee. I hadn’t realized how badly it was trembling I can’t speak for your father, Amaya,he said softly. But maybemaybe he saw you as a constant reminder of what he lost. A painful echo of his griet 

Pity? Anger? The emotions churned inside me, a confusing cocktail it wasn’t my fault he’d lost his son. Yet, for all these years, he’d turned his 

cold anger on me, the innocent bystander in this tragedy. What about Alex? Did he know about his father’s past? There was no way he could be completely oblivious. Whenever I’d mentioned his family, he’d shut down, the conversation turning 

Amaya,Ivan’s voice broke through my spiraling thoughts. Look at me.His touch, gentle yet firm, brought my attention back to him. His fingers brushed away the tears I hadn’t realized were streaming down my face

Why?I choked out, Why did things have to be so complicated?” 

His hands left my knee, and he gently pulled me into a loose hug. The car was cramped, but he managed to create a pocket of comfort amidst the overwhelming chaos of my emotions. My body wracked with sobs, tears soaking the fabric of his shirt. He didn’t say anything, just held me as the storm raged on inside me

After what felt like an eternity, the intensity of the sobs subsided, leaving behind a hollow ache and a raw exhaustion. I leaned into his embrace, drained and emotionally spent 

Let’s get you home,he whispered softly, his voice a soothing balm against the storm

He carefully shifted me back to my seat, then reached for the ignition. Apparently, the car had been turned off at some point during my breakdown, a detail that had completely escaped my notice. With a gentle hum, the engine roared back to life

My eyelids fluttered closed, overwhelmed by a wave of fatigue. The last thing I registered before succumbing to sleep was Ivan’s murmured 



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Chapter 51 

promise, a vow woven with determination. I won’t let them take anymore from us.” 


A sliver of light pierced through my eyelids, rousing me from sleep. I blinked a few times, my vision adjusting to the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. A faint squabbling sound reached my ears, drawing me fully awake 

There, in the middle of the bed, stood a tangled mess of limbs and dark hairmy twins, Ivy and Nate, locked in a playful battle, Ivy was reaching with chubby arms for something Nate clutched tightly in his tiny hand

No! Mine!Nate screeched, his brow furrowed in fierce concentration as he tried to shield the object from his sister’s grasp

Give!Ivy demanded, her voice a high pitched squeal. She lunged forward, her entire body weight thrown behind the grab and the balance they maintained was quickly disrupted: A yelp escaped Nate’s lips as he lost his footing, sending both of them tumbling in a giggling heap onto my stomach

The sudden weight startled me, but a smile tugged at the comers of my lips despite the lingering exhaustion. Thisthis was home. The 

i chaos, the noise, the loveall of it, a beautiful mess that filed a void I hadn’t even realized existed

Woah, woah, easy there, champions,I chuckled, gently untangling them from each other. What’s all the commotion about?” 

Ivy, momentarily distracted, pointed a stubby finger at the object still firmly clutched in Nate’s hand. He took my dolly!she declared, her voice thick with indignation 

Nate, emboldened by a mischievous glint in his eyes, peeked out from behind my arm. No, it’s mine now!he countered, his voice muffled by my shirt

With a sigh, I reached for Nate’s hand and pried it open, revealing a tiny, misshapen playdough creation that vaguely resembled a doll. Well, it doesn’t look much like a do does it eased gently 

That’s cuz it’s a mermaid dolly she declared, snatching the creation from my hand 

The bickering resumed as soon as I disentangled them, Minevy shrieked, reaching for the playdough doll in Nate’s hand. No!he countered, squeezing it tighter. Their voices intertwined in a melodic cacophony of toddler disagreement

A tired smile curved my lips as i watched them. Just then, the bedroom door creaked open. Ivan stepped inside, his gaze immediately landing on the squabbling twins and then on me. Relief washed over his features 

I thought you left,I managed, a hint of appreciation coloring my voice 

He offered a reassuring smile. I needed to make sure you were alright.His eyes then shifted to the commotion unfolding on my stomach. Looks like someone needs a referee” 

He chuckled, crouching down to their level. So, what seems to be the problem here?” 

She took my dolly!Nate declared, pointing an accusing finger at his sister

by scoffed. It’s not a dolly

a mermaidi” 

han tilted his head, feigning confusion A mermaid, huh? Can you show me what kind of mermaid it is?” 

bry, wager to share her creation 

adily handed him the playdough blob. He took it gingerly inspecting 

with mock seriousness. Hmm, I see 

Chapter 51 

the tail,he mused, poking the misshapen appendage. But where’s the pretty hair?” 

Both twins frowned in contemplation. Hair?Nate echoed, scratching his head

Ivan grinned. Exactly! Mermaids have beautiful long hair, don’t they?” 


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