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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

-Maya’s POV- 

The house smelled like Ivan, a mix of leather polish, wood polish, and something clean and citrusy. It was a familiar scent, safe and comforting. In the playroom, the twins were already lost in their own world, glggling as they chased a runaway ball of yarn across the soft carpet. Relief washed over me like a warm wave. Here, with Ivan, things felt normal again

I took a deep breath and padded down the hallway towards his study. It was a converted room, lined with bookshelves and a massive oak 

desk, Ivan was hunched over his laptop, his brow furrowed in concentration. The muscles in his shoulders, usually so broad and reassuring. were tight, and his jaw was clenched. My heart ached for him. Ever since I’d come back with the twins, he’d been working around the clock, practically carrying the weight of the entire company on his own

A small smile tugged at my lips. Maybe a little caffeine boost would help. I peeked into the kitchen, grabbed a steaming cup of coffee I’d made earlier, and headed back towards the study. Hey,” I said softly, pushing the door open a crack

Ivan’s head snapped up, startled. Then, a slow smile spread across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes in a way that always sent warmth. blooming in my chest. Hey yourself,he said, his voice gruff but laced with genuine gratitude

He took the coffee carefully, balancing it precariously on his lap as he navigated his way out of his chair. Settling onto the plush armchair next to the desk, I couldn’t help but steal another glance at him. He looked tired, dark circles smudging the skin under his eyes. 

So,I began hesitantly, how are things going with the company?” 

He took a sip of the coffee, letting out a satisfied sigh. It’sfine,he said finally. It wasn’t the most forthcoming answer, but I knew him well enough to understand there was more to it

Letting out a sigh of my own, I slumped down on the mat opposite him. I’m tired of this,I admitted, the words tumbling out before I could. stop them. Ever since I came back with the twins, things have just been soI trailed off, searching for the right word

Awkward?he supplied, his voice gentle

I looked up at him, surprised. Yeah, awkward. And I’m sorry, Ivan. I justMy voice trailed off again, the guilt bubbling up inside me

brow furrowed in 

He reached out, his hand hovering over mine for a moment before gently squeezing it. It was my fault, Amaya,he said softly. I shouldn’t have used you to make a jab at Alex, or ever made you feel like I thought you were some possession I could just claim,regret. I’m truly sorry for that.” 

The warmth in his eyes, the sincerity in his voice, melted away the last vestiges of my anger. He was right. I had let my hurt cloud my judgment, and in the process, I’d pushed him away

A smile crept onto my face. Apology accepted,” I said, my voice soft. Now, can we please get past this awkward phase? I miss your charm and everything in between,” 

He grinned, a genuine, fullblown smile that lit up his whole face. It was a sight I hadn’t seen in a white, and it sent a jolt straight to my heart. I didn’t think you found me charming,he teased, his eyes sparkling. Good to know.” 

The tension that had been hanging heavy between us finally seemed to dissipate. I burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the parkour room. Oh, you are charming,” I countered, my eyes twinkling 

He watched me laugh for a moment, his gaze warm and appreciative, before reaching down and shutting his laptop with a decisive click


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Chapter 74 

What are you doing?” 

Trying to fix the awkwardness,” he announced with a playful wink

Then, to my surprise, he pulled out a chessboard from a nearby drawer. My laughter redoubled. Chess? You’re going to fix the awkwardness with chess?” I asked, disbelief laced with amusement

Why not?he challenged, setting the board up on the floor between us. Besides, I think it’ll be fun watching you squirm as I totally kick 

your ass” 

A snort of laughter escaped me. Kick my ass? The last time I played chess, I won three games in a row.” 

He raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. Maybe you just got lucky that time. Besides you haven’t played with me. I’m more than prepared.” 

Oh yeah? Prepared with what, some secret chess strategies you learned online?I teased, taking a seat opposite him on the floor

Maybe,” he said with a smirk, arranging the pieces on the board with practiced ease. Now, are we playing white or black?” 

Black, obviously,” I declared, reaching out to claim the black pawns. The cool touch of the ebony pieces felt strangely comforting in my 


The game began in a tense silence, each move carefully considered. Ivan, true to his word, seemed to be employing strategic approaches. He captured one of my pawns early on, a sly smile playing on his lips

There goes your lucky streak,he said, a hint of triumph in his voice.. 

I rolled my eyes playfully. Don’t get cocky yet, Ivan. The game’s far from over.” 

With renewed focus, I launched a counteroffensive, maneuvering my queen into a threatening position, Ivan furrowed his brow in concentration, his earlier smugness replaced by a thoughtful frown

Nice move,he conceded, stroking his chin thoughtfully. But I think I can counter that.” 

The game continued in this vein for a good hour, a delightful backandforth battle of strategy and cunning. We traded pieces, launched surprise attacks, and defended our positions with a mix of determination and amusement. The initial awkwardness had completely dissolved, replaced by a comfortable companionship that felt as familiar as the worn leather armchair beside us

Checkmate,I announced triumphantly, a wide grin spreading across my face as I delivered the final blow with my knight

Ivan groaned, feigning exasperation. Seriously? You won?” 

Looks like it. Maybe your secret online strategies aren’t so secret after all.” 

He chuckled, shaking his head in mock defeat. Alright, alright, you win. But next time, I’m definitely going to crush you.” 


I see about that.” 

As we began packing up the chessboard, a comfortable silence settled between us. It wasn’t the heavy, awkward silence of before, but a peaceful quietude that spoke volumes

You know,I began hesitantly, this is nice Justhanging out, playing chess.” 



Chapter 74 


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