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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

-Alex’s POV- 

I stood at the entrance of the facility waiting for them to prepare him to be seen. I knew once I stepped into that room and asked for his help. there would be no going back and as I sat there, replaying the day of the bombing in my head, I knew the decision had already been made

-Three days earlier- 

The news crackled over and over in my head, and I couldn’t stop grinding my teeth in anger. Land claim. My land. The territory that had been in my pack’s possession for generations, the one bordering his damn forest, was now apparently up for grabsaccording to the old bastard

My fingers tightened around the phone, the plastic digging into my palm. This wasn’t some corporate takeover, some hostile bid I could counter with lawyers and financial maneuvering. This was a primal challenge, a land grab rooted in the oldest werewolf traditions. I’d tried the civilized route, the boardroom battles, but Daniel Stone understood only one language: force

Mr. Thorne?The voice on the other end of the phone, my secretary Ruth’s, cut through the haze of anger clouding my mind. Are you still 


I am,I forced out, my voice tight. Cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day and tomorrow.” 

The silence on the other end stretched for a beat before Ruth spoke again, her voice laced with concern. Mr. Thorne, are you sure? You have a very important presentation tomorrow with the Miller Group.” 

Cancel it.I repeated, my tone leaving no room for argument. Everything. I need to handle somethingurgent.” 

There was another pause, then a sigh. Very well, sir, Will you be back in the office today?” 

I glanced out the expansive window of my office. The city skyline shimmered under the soft glow of dusk, the construction that seemed to follow me everywhere I went. Renovation. It had been dragging on for weeks, a constant reminder of Amaya’s presence. She had gone on to ignore me after the outburst at the pack and I hadn’t stopped thinking about it. The more I did, the more I forced myself to believe that I had made no mistake because if the truth was that they were indeed fabricated then my whole world would be ruined

No. I won’t be back today.” 

Pushing back from my desk, I grabbed my coat. Stepping out of my office, I found myself drawn towards the renovation zone. The entrance was blocked by white sheets, a temporary wall that did little to hide the sounds of hammering and drilling from within. My wolf stirred again, a restless energy coursing through me. Maybe I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her, to feel some semblance of calmness amidst the chaos Daniel Stone was unleashing but she wasn’t there. I couldn’t feel her

With a sigh, so turned around and left. The news of Daniel Stone’s land grab hung heavy in the air. No more delays. No more corporate niceties. It was time to embrace the part of me I’d spent years suppressing, the part that understood the language of force

With a final glance at the construction zone, I turned and headed towards the elevators. The battle was on, and this time, I was not going to suppress my wolf


The city air clung to me, heavy and stale even after the tenminute drive. Moonlight sliced through the gaps in the old Victorian house’s overgrown hedges, illuminating faces gathered around a crackling fire pit in the backyard. It wasn’t their usual hangout most nights were spent in their own apartments, plugged into the digital world. But tonight, the vibe was different. No laughter, no takeout boxes scattered 


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Chapter 82 

around. Just worried faces flickering in the firelight

They weren’t expecting me. Pack meetings these days were a sterile exchange of texts and video calls, a far cry from the old days of smoky dens and facetoface meetings. Something that imitated me more than anything else in the world. Being Alpha wasn’t a job description 1 ever signed up for, but some nights, the responsibility slammed into you harder than a car door

And tonight was one of those nights

I had sent out word asking everyone within the city to be present at the pack house. Some wolves still liked to embrace the old ways, living amongst themselves like a close knitted community while others like the wave of modern world. We were a large pack with over a thousand pack members so I expected them in numbers, I scanned the faces searching for two people specifically, the most likely to undermine my authority but Vargas and Raze were seated amongst the high ranking members of the pack

Clearing my throat, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand. Alright everyone,I began, my voice cutting through the tense silence. Thanks for coming here on such short notice. You all know about the merger. Stone and McCall. A formidable force, no doubt.” 

Murmurs rippled through the pack, a low growl echoing from the side. I recognized the source Vargas.. His smug smirk ignited a fresh wave of anger within me

But tonight,I continued, my voice rising a notch, I have news of a different kind. News that should concern us all.I paused, letting the silence stretch for a beat before dropping the bombshell. Daniel Stone has laidclaim to a portion of our borderlands.” 

A collective gasp escaped the pack

This,I stated, my voice firm, is unacceptable. This land has been ours for generations. Stone’s claim is baseless and reeks of opportunism.” 

A low growl rumbled through the pack, a chorus of agreement. Good. The anger was raw, the need to defend what was rightfully theirs burning bright in their eyes. But before the simmering tension could boil over, Vargas voice cut through, Perhaps,he drawled, his voice laced with a smugness that grated on my nerves, this could have been avoided. Perhaps if certain warnings had been heeded.” 

He didn’t need to say my name but it was implied and wanted everyone to know that he had come to me with the way his eyes danced around. I chose to ignore him. He was seeking a verbal war, one that I wouldn’t give to him. I faced back the Packmembers, I know I haven’t been the most present Alpha but that is going to change. No one touches what belongs to me. This land claim, which I intend to put an end to, is just the beginning, there will be more and I have no plans of letting anyone who makes a play against my pack get away with it.” 

A ripple of agreement ran through a section of the pack, mostly the younger wolves who craved battle glory, pressure was immense. My wolf stirred within me, its primal instincts urging me to meet force with force

the thrill of the hunt. The 

  1. pl. assess our 

We will not surrender what’s rightfully ours,I declared, “But we will not be provoked into a reckless fight. We’ll gather intel, options, and strike when the time is right but if they do much as make another play, then assure you, there will be blood.” 


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