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Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

-Maya’s POV- 

The surprise must have been clear on my face, because the word exploded out of me in a surprised gasp. What?” 

Ivan chuckled as he pulled out and I had to stop myself from letting out a moan, his eyes holding mine. I know it’s out of the blue,” he admitted, but hear me out.” 

He leaned down then, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. It was a chaste peck, a playful tease that left me wanting more

Go get cleaned up,” he whispered, his voice husky. I will use another bathroom down the hall because,” he added, a glint of amusement in his eyes, I can’t promise I won’t take you again if we get in the shower together.” 

With that, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving me standing there speechless. It took a moment for my brain to catch up with what just happened

Ivan wanted me to work for him

A mix of emotions swirled inside me confusion, surprise, and a flicker of something else, something deeper and more unexpected

Happiness? Maybe

Taking a deep breath, I finally tore myself away from the spot and stumbled towards the shower. The cool water cascaded down my skin, washing away the lingering heat of our encounter and giving me a moment to clear my head

As the water massaged away the tension in my muscles, I replayed Ivan’s words in my mind. Working for himit was a tempting offer, especially after weeks of fruitless job hunting. But there were complications, of course. The biggest one being Alex

His investment had given Ivan’s company a muchneeded boost, propelling it back onto its feet. The irony of it all wasn’t lost on me. The man who rejected me, who broke my heart, was now indirectly helping the man I was married to

The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn’t want to be beholden to him in any way, not even through Ivan

But then there was the other side of the coin. Working for Ivan meant being close to him, spending more time together. The idea sent a thrill through me, a warmth that chased away the lingering bitterness

By the time I stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around my body, I knew I had to hear him out. This wasn’t just about a job; it was about something more, something deeper that was starting to bloom between us

I dried myself off quickly, the nervous energy buzzing under my skin. When I emerged from the bathroom, Ivan was already sitting on the bed, clad only in a pair of sweatpants. The sight of him, so casually relaxed, sent another blush creeping up my cheeks

He gave me a slow smile, his eyes lingering on my form for a beat too long before he gestured to the empty space beside him. Come here,he smiled, his voice low and inviting

I walked over and sat down next to him, leaving a comfortable distance between us. He cleared his throat, seemingly gathering his thoughts

Look,he began, his voice sincere, I’ve seen you running yourself ragged trying to find a job. It’s not easy out there, especially with everything that’s going on.” 

He hesitated for a moment, then continued. As much as I hate to even mention his name,he said with a grimace, Alex’s investment has 

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Chapter 93 

been a lifesaver for the company. Business is booming again, and I’m finally back on my feet.” 


I already knew this. He reached out and took my hand in his, his fingers intertwining with mine. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt through me, a silent reassurance in the face of my unspoken doubts

You don’t need to be out there struggling. I can offer you a job. A good job, with a decent salary and benefits.” 

I squeezed his 

and back, a silent acknowledgment of his offer. The truth was, it was tempting. The financial security, the chance to be close to himit was all very appealing

But the voice of reason, the one laced with a healthy dose of skepticism, piped up in my head

Ivan,I started, my voice cautious, I appreciate the offer, I really do. But working for youit wouldn’t be easy.” 

He raised an eyebrow, a question hanging in the air. Why not?” 

Because of Alex,I said bluntly. He’s a part of the company now, and the thought of working in the same place as him when it was the fact that I didn’t want anything to do with him that made me quit a job I really loved and after everything that happenedMy voice trailed off

His expression softened in understanding. I know. Look, I get it. The whole Alex situation is a mess, and I wouldn’t blame you for wanting nothing to do with him. I don’t even want you near him in the first place but I’m proposing this because you are stressed out, especially after having to let go of something you love and I hate seeing you unhappy.” 

A wave of gratitude washed over me. He understood. He saw the hurt and the pain I tried to hide

So what kind of job would I even be doing?The question tumbled out, a mix of curiosity and lingering hesitation still battling within me

He leaned back slightly, a thoughtful look on his face. Honestly, Amaya,he began, you have a lot of options. You’re smart, capable, and you have a great eye for detail. You could be my personal assistant, handling my schedule and paperwork. Or,he continued, seeing the flicker of doubt in my eyes, you could choose something else entirely. We’re expanding the company, and there are openings in marketing, human resources, even event planning. Anything you want to do.” 

His words sparked a flicker of excitement within me. The idea of having some control over my role, of choosing something that actually Interested me, was appealing. But the thought of working in the same building as Alex, even if the chances of actually interacting with him 

were slim, still made me uneasy

I don’t know, Ivan. It’s all a bit overwhelming. And the thought of even being in the same space” 

He cut me off gently. I understand you and believe me, I’m the last person that wants you near him but he is almost never physically present at the office. He invests, he gets updates, but he leaves the daytoday operations to me. You wouldn’t have to interact with him directly.” 

He paused for a moment, his gaze searching mine. And honestly, Amaya,he continued, his voice low and serious, I hate seeing you this. stressed about a job. We both know you deserve better than endless applications and deadend interviews. This is a chance for you to use your skills, to build a career, and to be close to me. I know interior design was your major but we can make anything work.” 

He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from my face, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. Think about it, okay? No pressure. But if you’re interested, we can talk more tomorrow. Discuss the specifics, figure out what kind of role would be the best fit for you.” 


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