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Boomerang Love (Naomi and Brendan) novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 

Naomi’s persistence to calm Brendan down was successful, and the latter slowly dropped the pipe in his hand

Naomi took advantage of this and grasped his hand firmly. Let’s head home!” 

Brendan glanced down at Naomi, his bloodshot 

yes gradually softening. Yes, let’s go home.” 

Since Brendan stopped, Reuben and the others breathed a sigh of relief

Mason said, Only Naomi can calm Brendan ” 

Ronald kicked Tom. Asshole! How dare you lust over Naomi? You had it coming!” 

Tom lay motionless on the ground, unable to even open his eyes

He should have realized Naomi was no ordinary person since she turned down his 8milliondollar bribe

Otherwise, anyone with an ordinary background surely wouldn’t resist the temptation

Upon exiting the old warehouse, Reuben stuffed his hands into his pockets and eyed Naomi. Naomi, I think you should come back to the company instead.” 

Naomi smiled. If everyone thought the same way, then the world would be in chaos.” 

Reuben fell quiet at this. Naomi had every right to persist in her method

Half an hour later, the couple arrived home. Brendan remained lost in thought with his brows furrowed

Despite being covered in blood, Brendan remained silent as they walked back. Finally, he softly asked, ” 

Did I scare you?” 

Naomi was folding the pajamas on the bed. Hearing this, she turned to him with a smile. Scared? Not


She glanced at him. I think you should take a quick shower.” 

Brendan didn’t respond and silently took off his clothes. Once naked, he sat on the couch and closed his 


Seeing this, Naomi refrained from further conversation. She turned and made her way to the bathroom

A moment later, she emerged with her sleeves rolled up. I heated up the bath. I’ll give you some special treatment tonight.” 

Since Naomi didn’t look shaken up, Brendan smiled in relief and headed to the bathroom. Naomi rolled up her sleeves and followed him inside

After a brief rinse, Brendan submerged himself into the tub, even dunking his head underwater

Naomi took a stool and sat down beside him. When Brendan resurfaced, she reached out to tousle his wet hair. She glanced down and teased, It’s not the first time I’ve seen you naked. The towel is unnecessary.” 

Chapter 121 


Brendan’s expression darkened. Eventually, he asked, When have you seen me naked?” 

Though they had sex before, he had never undressed in front of Naomi. She couldn’t have seen him in his full glory

While Brendan was puzzled, Naomi shrugged casually. I watched you shower in secret.” 

She immediately laughed at Brendan’s dumbfounded expression. I’m just joking. I can’t believe you fell 

for that.” 

She added, If you’re that afraid of me seeing you naked, I’ll wait outside.” 

Weren’t you looking forward to seeing me in my birthday suit?Brendan huffed childishly


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