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Boomerang Love (Naomi and Brendan) novel Chapter 123


Chapter 123 

Hearing Brendan’s emotionless voice, Ronald quickly reported, Brendan, Maximus just called Naomi

On the other end of the line, Brendan’s voice turned stern. You went to see my wife this early in the morning?” 

Ronald felt speechless before hurriedly explaining, I went to Naomi to report what happened that night and see how she felt. I wanted to make things right with you.” 

This time, Brendan got straight to the point. Ronald, if you keep pushing Naomi to divorce me, don’t expect to stay in Ashburgh.” 

Ronald was surprised and raised his voice. Brendan, you don’t want a divorce, do you? You should have told me sooner! I could have put in some good words for you.” 

Do I look like I need your help?Brendan snapped and added impatiently, Why did Maximus call Naomi?Returning to the topic, Ronald got excited and quickly exclaimed, I didn’t hear everything, but he did ask her out for dinner tonight. But Naomi didn’t have the time and refused.” 

Ronald continued with frustration, Brendan, I keep telling you that Maximus guy isn’t a good person. He had his eye on Naomi years ago

Don’t let your guard down. Don’t let him get close to Naomi. From what I see” 

Before Ronald could finish, Brendan hung up. Brendan threw his phone onto the desk, his face turning 


He had told her he was bothered by Maximus. Yet, they were in contact so early in the morning

The call from Ronald had ruined Brendan’s day. When 5:30 pm came, he headed straight to the law 


However, after waiting at the law firm for nearly an hour, Brendan still hadn’t seen Naomi even after everyone else left. With a dark expression, he called Naomi

Are you working overtime?” 

On the other end of the phone, Naomi/answered casually, No! I’m on a business trip, investigating Charles 


Charles, as Naomi mentioned, was the boy who killed his father and two uncles 13 years ago

Upon hearing her explanation, Brendan’s anger flared. Didn’t you think to inform me before going on a business trip?” 

Naomi retorted, Isn’t this me informing you?” 

Besides, they never had the habit of informing each other of their schedule. He didn’t answer her calls before, nor did he respond to her messages. Plus, they hadn’t been in contact for days

Chapter 123 

Brendan growled. I’m calling you because I’m at the law firm.” 

Naomi giggled at this. Were you there to pick me up? You’re so caring, Brendan. Did you actually fall for 



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