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Boomerang Love (Naomi and Brendan) novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 

Ronald gripped the steering wheel with both hands. He then messed with his hair dismissively. Who’s making a racket daily? That sounds so tiring!” 

Naomi returned to her normal self. Let’s stop joking around. Please take me back to the law firm!” 

Remember to eat lunch. Don’t force me to babysit you for all three meals.” 

Alright, Daddy.” 

That’s disgusting.” 

Half an hour later, Naomi returned to the law firm and reported her progress on her case as well as some 

of her thoughts to Michael

Michael responded earnestly, Naomi, the reason I asked you to work on Charlescase was for you to get a feel of other types of cases

Who knew you’d get so emotionally invested? It’s great that you’re working so hard, but try to keep your feelings out of it.” 

Naomi smiled and said, I understand, Mr. Symth.” 

Michael continued, Oh right. There’ll be a business summit over the weekend in the South Suburb. Our 

firm has a few spots available

You’ve done very well on your last two cases. When the time comes, you should attend the summit with Sally Harrison and Team 2’s Blair Carson. Try your best to get a few cases under our firm.” 

Alright, Mr. Symth.” 

Naomi agreed to his instructions and returned to her office to continue working

Eight hours had passed. By this time, all her colleagues had gone home. However, Naomi was still working overtime

With that attitude, it was no wonder Michael liked her

At Yellowind Bay, Brendan’s expression changed when he came home to Naomi’s absence

Jennifer explained, I’ve just called/Mrs. Ludwig. She’s working overtime in the firm! She said she’ll be back once she finishes the work on hand.” 

Brendan felt a little better upon hearing that. At least Naomi was coming back tonight

However, he felt frustrated when he recalled how she threw his breakfast away

It was rare for him to be nice to someone as he had been to her in the morning. Yet, she disregarded his kindness entirely

$ Chapter 144 


Jennifer saw Brendan tug at his tie. Then, she pulled out a small plastic bag and passed it to him

Mr. Ludwig, this is something I found in the rubbish bin of the master bedroom in the afternoon. Are you or Mrs. Ludwig feeling unwell? Do either of you need to go for a checkup?” 

Brendan took the plastic bag Jennifer was holding. When he saw the gastric pills he had given Naomi last 

night, his expression was calm, but iciness radiated off him

Without returning the pills to Jennifer, Brendan said tonelessly, No one is unwell.” 

Upon seeing Brendan’s lack of reaction, she responded, That’s great, then.She then returned to work


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