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Boss, Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Charles’ expression grew abruptly cold, and his icy gaze swept over the other five people in the room before it finally landed on Tina. “The mare Sonia picked out was the tamest of the bunch, and I know this because I deliberately asked the stable attendant about it. Logically speaking, it’s impossible that the horse would go crazy all of a sudden, so I figured something fishy must be going on here.”

“Are you saying that someone did something to President Reed’s horse, President Lane?” Rebecca was quick to catch on as she asked with wide eyes.

“It wasn’t me,” Tyler interjected defensively with a shake of his head, waving his hands as though to bat away any accusation or suspicion that might be thrown his way.

Zane was calm as he sipped his tea and quipped, “It wasn’t me, either.”

“Well, it definitely couldn’t have been me,” Rebecca said, raising her hands.

As such, Charles’ gaze fixed on the remaining duo, who had yet to voice their denial. “That just leaves President Fuller and Miss Gray, but seeing as President Fuller went to Sonia’s rescue, I’m sure that he was not the one who pulled the dirty trick. After all, it’s not as if he would purposely start trouble only to solve it himself-no one has the time for that, which means…”

“Which means you’re suspecting me,” Tina continued his sentence for him. She dug her nails into her palms and looked so flustered that she might be on the brink of crying

Charles clapped in a flamboyant display of mockery as he sneered, “It looks like you are perceptive after all. You’re right-I am suspicious of you because out of everyone here, you’re the only one who would most likely go out of her way to hurt Sonia, and you have a track record to prove it.”

“I didn’t do anything!” Tina’s tears streamed down her cheeks. She grabbed Toby’s hand and pleaded, “You have to believe me, Toby! I didn’t do it!”

“I believe you,” Toby reassured her and squeezed her hand gently, signaling her to calm down.

Upon hearing that he still believed in her, she nodded and regained her composure.


Charles, on the other hand, rolled his eyes in exasperation as he accused, “Well, of course, you’d believe her. She could commit murder, and you’d let her get away with it as soon as she breaks out the waterworks. It’s not as if everyone here is oblivious to how overly-indulgent you are toward her!”

Rebecca and Zane nodded in silent affirmation to this fact.

Not even Tyler could deny this, and he nodded along as well. Toby does spoil her every now and then

“I believe in Tina not because I indulge in her every whim, but because she has a solid alibi,” Toby argued, though he did not seem angry even while everyone else refused to stand on his side. He eyed Charles darkly as he elaborated, “She did not come into contact with Sonia’s horse at any point of time, so why don’t you tell me how she managed to pull off a sabotage?”

In the beginning, Toby wondered if Tina’s other personality had been the one to orchestrate this incident, but upon careful analysis, he concluded that the opposite was true; the other personality never did come out at any point in time.

Meanwhile, Charles bristled at Toby’s argument, but as soon as he gave it some thought, he realized that the latter was speaking the truth.

Tina had indeed been nowhere near the stable when Sonia picked out the horse, and it wasn’t as if she could pull off the sabotage beforehand, given that there was no telling which horse Sonia would pick out of the bunch in the stable; Tina might be devious, but she was no prophet.

He allowed the possibility of Tina taking it upon herself to sabotage every single horse in the stable, but if that were the case, their horses ought to have gone crazy as well. However, they rode around the tracks unscathed. Could this really be just an accident, then? Charles thought uneasily.

Zane was the first one to offer a solution. “Why don’t we get one of the stable attendants to come over and ask him about this? We’ll know what happened as soon as he runs a check on the horse.”

Toby shrugged indifferently. “That’s fine by me.”

It wasn’t long before the attendant came over as asked, and when Charles pressed them on what had happened to Sonia’s horse, they simply answered, “Miss Reed’s


horse was in heat.”

“What?” Everyone gaped at the attendant in surprise.

Tina was the only one who lowered her head to conceal the smirk on her lips.

“Did you just say the horse was in heat?” Charles was bewildered. “But it isn’t mating season for the animals!”

Zane, Rebecca, and Tyler were staring at the attendant, waiting eagerly for his explanation.

However, he only shook his head as he pointed out, “The season might be over, but it doesn’t mean the animals would not go into heat. Sometimes, there are other factors that might stimulate the animals to go into heat.”

Toby queried in a low voice, “So why did Sonia’s horse go into heat in the first place?”


The attendant pondered on this momentarily, then replied, “We can’t say for sure, but perhaps the horse picked up on any particular scent or took in a stimulant or something. There’s no certainty for now, but these are the few possibilities I can come up with.”

“Well, the second possibility is not viable, seeing as the horse didn’t eat anything when it was led out of the stables,” Rebecca chimed.

She had been there when Sonia picked out the horse, so she could attest to this fact.

Charles rubbed his jaw as he suggested, “So the horse probably picked up on a scent?”

There was a disdainful sneer on his face as he glowered at Toby defiantly. “She uses you as a shield after all that she did to hurt Sonia, and she never once bothered to make reparations. But you don’t see me demanding an apology for Sonia like what you are doing now for Tina. So what right do you have to force an apology out of


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