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Boss, Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 320

Boss Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce Again Chapter 320

Tim removed his glasses and wiped his lenses. He could tell what was going on in Toby’s mind because he was thinking the same thing. “Someone who only wishes to harm Sonia’s baby without harming Sonia… This has to be someone who really idolizes Sonia. This person cannot accept the fact that Sonia is bearing the child of another man. Perhaps you can filter through your suspects with this criterion in mind.”


After finishing his words, Tim put his glasses back on and walked off to arrange for Sonia to be moved to the ward. Tim only cared about Sonia’s wellbeing—the rest was none of his business. He wasn’t too concerned with Sonia’s child either. Let Toby worry about it on his own, Tim thought.

Toby remained planted in his spot even after Tim left. He was waiting for Sonia to come out. His fists were balled up, and his expression steely and unreadable. The person who gave her the poison is someone who idolizes her. Based on my knowledge, there are only three people who really idolize Sonia—Charles, Carl, and Zane! Could it be one of them?

Toby kept his head lowered, but there seemed to be an entire hailstorm erupting in his gaze. He mentally ran through all the information he had on the three men, but he still couldn’t determine the culprit after doing so. I don’t care who it is. All I know is that I’m not going to let the culprit get away with this!


At that thought, Toby heard the sound of wheels moving closer to him. He suppressed his rage and took a step closer to the emergency room’s doors. The medical staff pushed Sonia out, and Toby hurried to stand by the side of the bed. “Is she okay?”


The nurse holding the IV drip was the one who spoke. “She’s okay, but her baby isn’t doing as well…”

Toby tightened his grip around the bars on the bed. He knew the issue—Tim had told him that the fetus was already deformed. In other words, he knew that they could no longer keep the child. Upon that realization, Toby felt a tight, painful sensation in his chest, as if countless sharp needles were stabbing him all at once. It hurt so much that he could barely breathe.


All along, Toby had intended to find the right time to tell Sonia about the baby. He didn’t expect Sonia to forgive him and remarry him, but he had hoped that they would have a child that would serve as the common link between them. He had hoped that Sonia would one day forgive him for the sake of their child. He had even imagined a day when three of them would stay together as one happy family. Unfortunately, all of his bubbles burst after the incident.

Tim was adjusting Sonia’s IV drip when Toby went in. Toby walked up to Tim with a determined look on his face. “The child… Is there any way to save it?”


Tim flicked a finger against the tube of the IV drip. “Are you asking if there’s a chance for the child to grow up as usual?”

Toby nodded as that was what he meant, while Tim smirked. “Of course not. It might have been possible if you came a week earlier, but the cells in the embryo have already mutated to a point where regular medical interventions won’t be able to do much.”


“So, the child…” Toby muttered.

“Will have to be aborted!” Tim finished his sentence. “Unless you’d like Sonia to give birth to a monster without arms or legs, or one without a nose or eyes.”

“That’s not a monster!” Toby howled as he glared at Tim with bloodshot eyes.

Tim merely shrugged. “I’m sorry. My bad. I shouldn’t have called your child a monster in front of you. However, I don’t think I’m wrong. You’re the child’s father, so of course you wouldn’t think your child was a monster. However, what about the rest of society? You don’t have the power to control what others think.”

“How did you know that the baby in Sonia’s belly belongs to me?” Toby eyed Tim suspiciously.



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