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Boss, Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 35

Glaring at Zhao Qiqing's peace, he didn't know that Fu xishen had come back and scolded without influence: "Zhao Qiqing, who do you think you are?"

"What happened to Zhao Qiqing?" Fu xishen's voice suddenly came from behind, and Anning was startled.

After turning around and seeing Fu xishen, Anning's ferocious face instantly turned into a smile: "xishen, I sent you a message. Why don't you return me?"

"The phone is dead." Fu xishen's cold tone revealed perfunctory.

Anning smiled awkwardly. She clearly saw Fu xishen's mobile phone just now. There was a flash.

Maybe Fu xishen has his own reason. Anning no longer asks about the reason of the mobile phone: "xishen, can you change a room? Zhao Qiqing said she wanted to revenge me."

Anning starts to be afraid after hearing Zhao Qiqing's words. If Zhao Qiqing really sneaks into Fu xishen's room, the two are likely to get back together.

She must not let this happen.

"The room is temporary and will leave tomorrow."


Anning's words were interrupted by Fu xishen and said faintly, "it's all right. I'll go back to my room first and have a job."

Anning was about to reach out and pull Fu xishen's sleeve. Suddenly, she was frightened by the open door.

Zhao Qiqing and a man came out of the room, smiling.

"Sister, be careful." Rong Yan took a look at tranquility and reminded Zhao Qiqing.

Zhao Qiqing just glanced at her head, smiled and said, "don't worry, she can't fight me."

Now she is no longer Zhao Qiqing who is at the mercy of others.

"Zhao Qiqing is really shameless. She has just divorced you and has found a home soon."

Fu xishen naturally heard Anning deliberately belittle Zhao Qiqing's identity and avoided Anning's hand. His voice was colder: "don't speak ill of others behind your back."

Thought Fu xishen would hate Zhao Qiqing, he warned her not to slander Zhao Qiqing.

After seeing Rong Yan off, Zhao Qiqing was stunned at the key in her hand. Rong Yan had the key to her room, which showed that it was really unsafe here.

"Xishen, we didn't have time to see the venue today. How about going tomorrow?"

Zhao Qiqing sniffed coldly when she listened to the words of tranquility without thinking. Could it be that Fu xishen would waste three days in order to see the field?

Anning's eyes naturally looked at Zhao Qiqing. When she saw the other party's dismissive expression, she was instantly angry: "Zhao Qiqing, what do you mean?"

Zhao Qiqing destroyed her virtuous appearance, who wanted to keep quiet in front of Fu xishen.

Zhao Qiqing looked innocently at the peace of pointing fingers at her and looked at Fu xishen with Wei qubaba's expression. The soft voice shocked Fu xishen: "Fu xishen, can you calm miss an around me? I was scolded without saying a word."

As a party, Fu xishen's behavior is undeniable, but it is not as serious as Zhao Qiqing said.

But his heart wants to favor Zhao Qiqing, just because he doesn't want to see Zhao Qiqing wronged.

"Anning, our schedule is very tight. We need to start at six tomorrow."

Fu xishen's intention to send away tranquility was obvious, with a trace of irresistible in his cold eyes.

"Xishen me." Before Anning finished, Fu Xi took her by the wrist and walked out of the hall. "I'll ask assistant Wei to pick you up tomorrow. Don't be late."

Fu xishen's indifferent attitude makes Anning very incomprehensible. She is Fu xishen's fiancee and has every reason to enter his room.

However, after the accident video, Anning never had a chance to enter, and Fu xishen always found various reasons to shirk it.

Back in the room, Fu xishen saw Zhao Qiqing waiting for him outside the door. It seemed that he had something to say.

"Mr. Fu, you don't seem very gentleman about your fiancee's behavior."

Seeing Anning's indignant expression, Zhao Qiqing was in a smooth mood. Of course, the executor of everything was the man in front of her.

The small expression of Zhao Qiqing's eyebrows was seen by Fu xishen, learning Zhao Qiqing's posture and half leaning outside the door.

"Shouldn't Miss Zhao care about her boyfriend? Why do you have time to take care of my affairs?"

The mobile phone kept shaking, and Fu xishen didn't seem to hear it.

"Boyfriend?" Zhao Qiqing tilted her head and looked at Fu xishen with confusion in her eyes.

She believed that Fu xishen would not listen to the one-sided words of tranquility. Even if she had this idea, she would not accept him in a short time.

What's more, Fu xishen kept appearing in front of her. How could he easily forget him?

Zhao Qiqing's expression gradually became heavy. She had to restrain her beating heart every time she spoke to Fu xishen. How could it be regarded as nothing happened.

"It's not safe to let a man enter your room at will." Fu xishen rarely said words of concern. Zhao Qiqing's nose was red. It turned out that someone still cared about her.

When she saw Rong Yan standing outside the door waiting for her to appear in the room, she was also stunned.

The other party explained that the manor has a spare key, and as the occupant of the room, he is naturally qualified to get the spare key.

For Zhao Qiqing, people without a sense of security will be extremely sensitive to small things. The spare key is her bottom line, and she will naturally be blacklisted here.

"Thank you." I don't know what else to say. Zhao Qiqing thanked Fu xishen.

The two ended the conversation in silence and turned to each other to open the room.

Zhao Qiqing lies in bed and recalls the picture just now. Fu Xi deeply cares about her and favors her behavior, which makes Zhao Qiqing's silent heart beat again.

Zhao Qiqing, who was about to give up this relationship from the moment she signed the divorce agreement, suddenly wanted to go back on her words.

She deeply felt that every action of Fu xishen could touch her heart.

After a whole day of fatigue, Zhao Qiqing closed her heavy eyes and entered her dream.

When Fu xishen returned to his room, he immediately contacted assistant Wei and asked him about the spare key.

The other party was also stunned. From this behavior, we can see that the security behavior of the manor is very poor.

The place where safety cannot be guaranteed has no value for Fu xishen. As for the venue tomorrow, it is doomed to be cancelled.

Aware of Fu xishen's meaning, assistant Wei continued to collect Rong Yan's identity.

Indeed, as Fu xishen said, Rong Yan's identity is not simple, and the process of investigation has been bumpy.

"Sir, Rong Yan is not an orphan." Assistant Wei reported the news he had received so far.

Fu xishen has seen the document from Wei Zhu's haircut, which says that Rong Yan is the child funded by Zhao Qiqing's father.

However, Rong Yan's development in recent years was so rapid that Fu Xi was deeply suspicious.

"Keep checking."

Fu xishen's heart tightened when he thought that Zhao Qiqing was surrounded by people of unknown origin.

And Zhao Qiqing still foolishly treats Rong Yan as her brother, unable to detect Rong Yan's abnormality.

The next morning, Zhao Qiqing's dream was awakened by a knock at the door. A peaceful voice came from her ear: "xishen, are you awake?"

Zhao Qiqing got up angrily, opened the door and said unhappily, "peace, are you finished? Fu xishen left early."

"How do you know he's gone?" Anning accurately finds the key points in Zhao Qiqing's words.


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