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Boss, Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 64

Fu xishen's words made Zhao Qiqing really difficult.

She didn't know how Fu xishen told the front desk of the company to let her enter unimpeded.

Can only pretend not to understand the appearance, asked: "what identity?"

Zhao Qiqing's eyes have been focused on Fu xishen's face, constantly observing each other's emotional changes.

"In what capacity can I enter your company at will?" Fu xishen expressed the last sentence more accurately.

Zhao Qiqing only felt that Fu xishen was mocking her, but she couldn't find evidence.

"Of course, it's a partnership. President Fu has the right to enter Shenghui." Zhao Qiqing subconsciously said the most official words.

After his words, Fu xishen's face suddenly became gloomy and threw down the leaflet in his hand: "it seems that I'm amorous."

In a word without origin, Zhao Qiqing only felt unbearable and hoped that someone could save her.

I don't know how to break the depressed atmosphere. Zhao Qiqing said with a smile: "President Fu is also my friend. His identity is different from others."

Zhao Qiqing found the source of Fu xishen's anger, repressed her breath and disappeared, followed by Fu xishen's initiative.

"Can I go in now?" Being stared at by irrelevant people for too long, Fu xishen frowned nervously.

"OK." Zhao Qiqing returned to smiling again, but she was worried about cheating Fu xishen.

The other party didn't seem to know it. He walked into Zhao Qiqing's office with a cold face and looked at Zhao Qiqing: "close the door."

Zhao Qiqing obediently closed the door and sat in the farthest position from Fu xishen.

"For me?" Fu xishen's expression eased with a cup of coffee.

Zhao Qiqing nodded like a chicken and pushed the documents that needed to be sent to Tianjing group to Fu xishen: "this is to be given tomorrow. You can have a look."

Fu xishen didn't open it and searched in his pocket.

Seeing Fu xishen's action, Zhao Qiqing was stunned. Wouldn't Fu xishen really want to kill her?

While Zhao Qiqing was dreaming, Fu xishen took out a pair of earrings: "yours?"

It was as like as two peas she had, but how could Fu Xishen have it?

Zhao Qiqing was totally unaware that she was the owner of Fu xishen's earrings.

"It should be one of your female friends." There was jealousy in her words that Zhao Qiqing had not noticed.

Fu xishen's indifferent corners of his mouth showed a smile because of Zhao Qiqing's words. It turned out that Zhao Qiqing was also intentional.

"Are you sure it's not yours?"

Fu xishen didn't keep asking for earrings. Zhao Qiqing was suspicious. She checked the earrings in her bag and disappeared.

"I have a bad memory." Zhao Qiqing quickly took away her earrings and stroked the broken hair in front of her to cover up her embarrassment.

When did she leave her earrings with Fu xishen?

Before Zhao Qiqing could solve her doubts, Fu xishen said, "now we can solve the problem of meeting in the cafe."

Hearing the words "cafe", Zhao Qiqing's body is stiff. She still wants to come when she should come.

"Fu xishen, listen to me." Zhao Qiqing preempted and gave herself a chance to argue: "I didn't mean it. Anning knelt on the ground and begged me. I can only promise her."

Zhao Qiqing deliberately concealed her grievances from Fu xishen with a pitiful expression.

Then Fu xishen didn't believe Zhao Qiqing's words. He had noticed something wrong with Zhao Qiqing from yesterday, especially assistant Wei said that Shenghui Company had a meeting in the afternoon.

"If others kneel down, you can betray me?" Fu xishen only felt that his position was worthless in front of Zhao Qiqing.

"I'm wrong, Fu xishen. Don't be angry." Zhao Qiqing started the model of crazy apology.

The other party didn't say anything. Zhao Qiqing bravely walked to Fu xishen, pulled his sleeve, and put a soft waxy voice into her ear: "Fu xishen."

More than once he heard his name called by others, Fu xishen was touched for the first time, and it was the person he once hated.

The anger in his heart disappeared long before Zhao Qiqing apologized. The current Zhao Qiqing gave him no reason to be angry.

Touching Zhao Qiqing's moist eyes, Fu xishen stretched out his hand and put it on Zhao Qiqing's face. The soft touch made him love it.

When Zhao Qiqing looked at Fu xishen with innocent eyes, there was a sudden pain on her face.

Subconsciously protecting herself, Zhao Qiqing knocked off Fu xishen's hand and said unhappily, "why pinch me?"

"Punishment." Fu xishen made an excuse for his behavior.

Thinking of what she did, Zhao Qiqing acquiesced to Fu xishen's punishment. Who told her to only seek instant happiness.

"What did Anning tell you?" The heart of gossip comes at once.

Zhao Qiqing made no secret of her curiosity. She was closer to Fu xishen and wanted to hear more clearly.

"Nothing." Fu xishen directly skipped the topic, "is the dinosaur still there?"

Looking around, he didn't see the dinosaurs. Fu xishen's eyes were threatening.

Zhao Qiqing smiled secretly. She knew that Fu xishen would not simply send the doll. Fortunately, she didn't throw it away.

"In the lounge." In order to prove her words, Zhao Qiqing deliberately opened the door. The green light was enough to prove that she didn't lie.

"But why are there four words of love Keepsake on it?" Zhao Qiqing spoke out her confusion.

Fu xishen won't like her immediately, let alone do anything detrimental to his IQ.

Sure enough, Fu xishen's face changed: "what?"

"It's okay. I mean, dinosaurs are big." Zhao Qiqing perfunctory past, no longer mention.

Assistant Wei has sent countless messages. Fu xishen seems to have disappeared out of thin air without any reply.

Hearing the vibration, Zhao Qiqing kindly reminded Fu xishen that he could leave.

After seeing the news, Fu xishen didn't stay and left the company directly.

After seeing Fu xishen off, Zhao Qiqing only felt that her whole body was drained of energy.

In order to make up for her mistakes, she almost sacrificed her hue. Fortunately, Fu xishen didn't like her.

"Xia Tong, continue with the meeting just now."

Zhao Qiqing, who is in the right mood, is full of energy and suffers from the employees who want to attend the meeting.

After resting in the hospital for a week, Fu Xiaofeng finally got the consent of the doctor and packed up his things early to leave.

"Mom, hurry up." Fu Xiaofeng urged Li Shurong to leave the hospital first.

Without the smell of formalin, the nose was liberated.

While Fu Xiaofeng was enjoying the air outside, he heard a familiar voice: "Xiaofeng, congratulations on leaving the hospital."

What came into view was a peaceful smiling face, holding a bunch of flowers in her hand.

Anning and Fu xishen have cancelled their engagement. Everyone knows that Fu xishen told them not to associate with Anning.

Especially when the video of Li Shurong's conversation with Anning was exposed, Fu Xiaofeng didn't want to communicate with her too much.

"Xiao Feng, my sister has arranged the restaurant. We'll have dinner with my aunt later?" Anning doesn't care about Fu Xiaofeng's expression.

"No." Fu Xiaofeng coldly refused to be peaceful. Seeing the flowers in front of him, he frowned.

Zhao Qiqing knew he didn't like flowers and would never have a bouquet in the Fu residence.

But Anning always sends flowers, which makes Fu Xiaofeng very unhappy.

"Xiao Feng, do you feel embarrassed to see me after your sister and your brother are not together?"

"You think too much." Fu Xiaofeng hissed coldly. She didn't deserve it.


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