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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“She is definitely something to be able to hang out with Melody Stryder.” Rebecca shot a glance at the woman next to Tina as she quietly explained, “Melody is the granddaughter of one of the ministers in Norfolk who has just retired-Mr. Stryder. If you can hang out with her, you don’t have to worry about your connections.”

Sonia had seldom mingled in society

before this, so she did not know many

people in the business circle, let alone


folks from another city. No wonder Tina

has drastically lowered her stance.


Tina’s background was nothing to a figure

like Melody

“Oh, so you’re President Fuller’s ex-wife?”

Melody shot a disdainful glance at Sonia without a slightest trace of respect at all. “Since we have all met each other, let’s have a few rounds of games together. Are you willing to join us?”

Let alone poker, Sonia did not even want to

talk to Tina

However, Sonia had learned how to read

people’s facial expressions after suffering in Jean’s hands over the years. As soon as Melody started speaking, she knew that this was not a person whom she could


“Of course. The person we are waiting for is only arriving at 10:00 PM.”Sonia was

well aware that she was nothing at this

moment. Hence, she did not want to be in

a situation where she was bullied by

Melody just because she had annoyed Melody. I’m not good at poker, though. I hope you don’t mind.”

Melody merely shorted before she left in her high heels.

“Don’t worry. It’s just for passing the time.” It was only after Melody left that Tina

dared to speak. “If you really can’t play,

we’ll go easy on you.”

Tina had learned from her friends that

Sonia lost hundreds of thousands when

she played poker with Mr. King from


According to the waiter, Sonia was just a

beginner who could not even play poker.

I’m definitely taking my revenge for the

annor felt at the match etara in the

anger i felt at the watch store in the afternoon!

Sonia smiled. “Thanks, Miss Gray.”

While walking with Sonia to the private

room, Rebecca asked quietly, “President

Reed, are you really bad at poker? Why

didn’t you reject them? I think she thinks of

you as an enemy. What if she lays a trap for you while you are playing with them?”

“She already laid the trap when we met

earlier. Melody is obvious on Tina’s side.

Even if she lays a trap later, I have to

knowingly walk into it.”

Rebecca shot her a glance. “Oh! You are

too miserable!”

When the lour of them entered the private room, they walked to a table for poker and quickly started the game after the distribution of cards.

Rebecca did not know how to play poker, but she quickly searched for some tutorials and knew the basic rules. When

she looked at Sonia playing again, she felt

quite sorry to see the scene that she

almost wanted to take over Sonia’s place.

Upon seeing how Sonia lost to both Tina

and Rebecca for two consecutive rounds,

a striking smile appeared on Tina’s face.

“Miss Reed, do you have a tattoo around

your waist with the words ‘TF?” Tina

suddenly asked. “It’s the abbreviation of

Toby’s name, isn’t it?*

Sonia played a card, but she did not reply

to Tina

Even though Tina was also playing, her gaze was fixated on Sonia’s face. “I don’t feel comfortable that you still have a tattoo of his name on your body even after you guys have divorced. Why don’t we bet on the game? If you lose, I’ll ask the tattoo guy to immediately remove your tattoo.”

Upon hearing that, Rebecca could not stop

herself from responding, “Miss Gray, this is over the top. It’s President Reed’s freedom

to choose whatever tattoo she likes for her

body. Her card skills are quite lousy, yet

you are using this as the bet. You are

obviously bullying her.”

“Miss Reed hasn’t even started speaking,

so why are you interjecting7” Melody pouted her red lips in annoyance. “How annoying!”

Rebecca blushed in anger and wanted to

retaliatebut Sonia stopped her.

“I accept it.” Sonia smiled gently with

peace and calmness in her eyes.

“However, what would you do if you lost,

Miss Gray?”

While looking at the cards that Sonia

played, Tina replied firmly, “If I lose, I will

leave Toby as well as Seafield and I will

never return again. If you think I’m bullying

you, I can ask someone else to teach you

poker. We can start our bet once you have

learned how to play.”

“It’s fine. I think I’m pretty good at the

game. Are you really planning to have this bet with me? It’s not a joke7” Sonia asked,

Tina replied confidentlyIserious.

Everyone here is our witness.”

“Alright. Then, the winner will be the one to win two out of three rounds.” With that, Sonia played a card that increased Tina’s

odds of winning

When Tina looked at the card, her smile

even looked vindictive. I’m definitely


“I’m at club watching my boss playing poker with someone else,” she responded lazily with a puff of smoke. “Why? Are you

“Got it,” she replied, “Send the information about the Stryder Family in Norfolk to me. I’m being bullied by one of their people.”

of the washroom when she flushed the cigarette away. On her way back to the private room, she saw a tall man in the club’s black uniform with platter in his hands while he spoke


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