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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 425

Chapter 425 Kidnapping Sonia

“Sure,” the departmental manager replied with an affirmative hum and continued his presentation.

Nonetheless, everyone else in the meeting room could no longer focus on their work as they secretly winked at each other in an ambiguous manner. Now that they had been taken over by their gossipy nature, they were all dying to know who Toby was talking so gently to over the phone. After all, he had never been so tender to anyone except Tina, but ever since she was sentenced to prison, no one had ever seen him being this gentle again. Thus, when they noticed Toby’s expression, they couldn’t help but wonder whether he was in a new relationship. Tsk! Tsk! That’s sooner than expected.

Now that he was the receipt of everyone’s visual banters, Toby knew what they were thinking. Nonetheless, he wasn’t mad at all but rather happy to see them misunderstanding the situation. “That’s enough. Pay attention to the presentation right now.”

He knocked on the table after a brief murmur of gossip. Deep down in his heart, he couldn’t wait to finish the meeting sooner so that he could head over to the hospital to visit Sonia as he wanted to be the first person she saw when her eyes recovered.

On the other hand, everyone else straightened their posture when they snapped out of their fantasies as soon as they heard his warning.

In the meantime, at the First World Hospital, Wanda kept her phone away and returned to the hallway outside the CT scan room, where she sat on the bench and waited for Sonia to emerge.

Half an hour later, Wanda immediately stood up from her seat when she saw Tim and Sonia leaving the room. “Miss Reed.”

“Wanda,” Sonia replied.

Wanda turned her attention to him and asked, “How is she, Dr. Lancaster?”

“The blood clot is completely gone and she’ll have full vision probably by tomorrow. In fact, she could start to see things clearly today,” he explained with both of his hands in his pocket.

She happily exclaimed, “Oh, that’s definitely music to our ears!”

“Alright, we should take you to ophthalmology now for a check-up,” Tim said.

“Sure.” Sonia responded with an affirmative hum as Wanda seized her arm and followed them both to the ophthalmology department.

It was already close to the afternoon after the multiple check-ups when Sonia collected her medicine from the dispensary and was ready to leave. At the same time, a worried Wanda couldn’t stop looking at her phone while wondering what took Toby so long to show up. Where is Young Master Toby? Miss Reed is about to make a move soon.

“Wanda? Wanda?” Sonia was waiting for Wanda to seize her arm but received no response as if the woman was not there. Failing to feel her caretaker’s presence, Sonia began to panic because she didn’t know what to do as a visually impaired person if Wanda wasn’t around.

Soon, Wanda heard Sonia’s fearful voice and immediately responded by looking over. “I’m here, Miss Reed.”


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