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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 473

Chapter 473 Toby Letting Go

Right then, Toby tightened his grip on the windowsill so hard that it was as if he wanted to break it.

Tom could immediately sense that Toby was jealous when he entered the place, so he couldn’t help himself but ask, “President Fuller, what happened?”

However, Toby refused to answer and narrowed his eyes to look downstairs instead.

When Tom walked over to Toby and stared in the same direction to see Sonia and Zane, he instantly understood what was happening.

So, that’s why President Fuller is jealous, huh? He was still wondering what would make Toby jealous in a restaurant.

Looks like Miss Reed and Mr. Coleman are dining here as well.

“President Fuller, do you want to go downstairs?” Tom stood behind Toby and asked while Toby pursed his lips into a thin line. “No.”

“Huh?” Tom stared at him in shock. “You’re not going downstairs?”

Toby nodded, but Tom was still in disbelief. “But Miss Reed is having a meal together with Mr. Coleman, and she looks really happy. You—”

“That’s enough. Check if President Cunningham is here yet since I need to head to the hospital in half an hour.” Toby cut him off before he turned around and headed to the couch in the private room.

Giving downstairs a final look, Tom followed after Toby and asked, “I just checked with President Cunningham. He told me he is in a traffic jam and will arrive in ten minutes.”

Toby hummed in acknowledgment without saying anything. On the couch he sat, picking up a magazine in the meantime. Although he looked like he was absorbed in the magazine, Tom could notice that Toby’s gaze was muddled and unfocused.

It was obvious that Toby was zoning out, and Tom concluded that Sonia and Zane were the reason.

How could President Fuller bear watching Miss Reed going out with other men when he’s in love with her? I bet he’s extremely jealous right now. Still, someone as possessive as him would’ve already gone downstairs to spoil Miss Reed and Mr. Coleman’s dinner. He would never allow Miss Reed to hang out with a man alone. However, he’s reacting to the situation abnormally this time.

Tom could sense Toby’s urge to go downstairs to make Zane leave or bring Sonia upstairs. Yet, it seemed like he was afraid of something and decided to give up instead. Tom really couldn’t understand what was happening.

At the thought of that, he gave Toby a puzzled look through his glasses. This is weird… In the past, he’d still be able to guess what Toby was thinking about. However, since the cliff accident, Toby’s behavior had been ever so unpredictable that even his long-time trusty assistant had no clue.

On the first floor of the restaurant, Sonia looked up to stare at one of the windows on the second floor before she frowned with a troubled look on her face.

Meanwhile, Zane cut a small piece of his steak and placed it in his mouth. “What’s wrong? What are you looking at?”

“I feel like someone was staring at me just now,” Sonia pursed her lips before saying in an unsure manner, causing Zane to place his utensils down with a shocked look. “Someone’s looking at you?”

“Yeah.” Sonia nodded.

Zane looked up to look in the direction that she was staring at. “Do you want me to ask the waiter to find out who is in the private room?”

“It’s fine.” Sonia waved him off and rejected his offer. “So what if we find out who is in the private room? They were just staring at me and didn’t do anything to me. If we offend them by asking, that will cause unnecessary trouble, and it would be bad to cause trouble in a restaurant. Let’s just act like we don’t know anything.”

“You’re right.” Zane nodded before he pushed a plate of dessert toward Sonia. “Try this. The desserts in this place are really good.”

“Really?” Sonia stared at the colorful cake that obviously looked really tasty before gulping instinctively.

As a person who was really into desserts, she was unable to control herself, especially with beautifully designed ones.


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