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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 488

Chapter 488 Wish Granted

Toby didn’t notice the slight discontent in her voice, so he felt hurt after she agreed not to show up before him ever again. It was something he wanted, but it still hurt him. However, he didn’t show it. Instead, he smiled coolly. “Good. I hope you can keep that promise.”

Sonia frowned. “Of course I will. You don’t have to tell me twice. After all, I don’t even love you, so why would I want to show up in front of you?”

The moment she said she didn’t love him, Toby was heartbroken. He clenched his fists even tighter, and he looked at her coldly. “Open the door, Tom,” he said darkly.

“Yes, sir,” Tom replied before taking out the car keys and unlocking the car.

Toby was about to open the door, but then another car swerved around the corner right behind Sonia. Apparently, the driver never expected anyone to be here, and he forgot to step on the brakes because he was shocked. That was the recipe for a perfect disaster, and the car came straight at Sonia.

Sonia was too preoccupied to realize what was happening, so she didn’t dodge. Toby was shocked that she was just standing still, so he held her wrist and pulled her into his embrace.

Sonia slammed straight into him and knocked her head on his necktie clip, causing her to grunt in pain. But before she could rub her forehead, Toby suddenly turned around, and her back crashed against his Maybach’s door. Toby was keeping her between him and his car, protecting her, but to those who knew nothing about the situation, they’d think they were flirting.

The owner of the car that almost crashed into Sonia heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her being rescued. He quickly stopped his car a few meters away and got out to apologize. “I’m sorry, Mr. Fuller. I’m sorry, miss.” He kept bowing. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.”

Toby let Sonia go and turned around to look at the driver coldly. “Which department are you in?” His gaze was filled with murder.

“I-I’m in the planning department,” the man answered, but his voice was barely a whisper as he was terrified. He never thought he’d be so unlucky as to almost crash into someone and get caught by his boss. I’m going to lose my job, aren’t I?

“You handle this guy, Tom.” Toby squinted coldly.

Tom nodded. “Yes sir.” He looked at the man. “Follow me.” Then, he turned around and walked ahead.

The man hung his head low and went with Tom, but his legs were chattering.

After they left, only Toby and Sonia were left.

It was then Sonia realized what had happened. She felt lucky to be saved, but also a bit troubled. Naturally, she was lucky she was safe, but that also meant she owed Toby once again. That troubled her, of course. Great. When can I finish repaying him now? “Um, thank you.” She held the corner of her shirt.

Toby put his hands back into his pockets. “It’s nothing. I just didn’t want you to get into trouble here in case the company’s image gets ruined.”

Sonia stared at him in disbelief. So he helped me just because he didn’t want the company to get into trouble? Not because he was worried I might get into an accident? She bit her lip. “I see. But still, you saved me, so I’ll still repay your kindness.”

“Suit yourself,” Toby answered curtly and turned around to look at Tom and the driver who kept bowing at him. “Are you done, Tom?” Toby frowned.

Tom nodded. “Yes, sir. Right away.” He then told the driver something before he came back.

“Sir, he’s just a regular employee in the planning department. Since he was speeding and didn’t honk at all, I told HR to terminate him. I also called the traffic department, and they’ll suspend his license for now.” Tom stopped before Toby and told him about the punishment he doled out.

Toby grunted. “Let’s go.”


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