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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 725


Chapter 725 Surreptitious

She glared at him, and the look in her eyes said, ‘What are you laughing at? How dare you laugh? We wouldn’t have been in this situation if not for you taking me here.’

He touched her cheek and huddled closer, then he said with a voice only they could hear, “Don’t worry. We won’t be found.”

“And how are you so sure about that?” Sonia didn’t believe him.

Toby was about to say something, but then the employees started talking again.

“But I don’t see anyone here.” The employee named Lisanna looked around. “There’s only the two of us here. You must be seeing things.”

“There’s only the two of us here, but I heard someone talking just now.” The employee who talked first earlier waved her hand. “No. It wasn’t someone talking. I heard a grunt. No, more like a moan. Yeah, a moan.”

“A moan?” Lisanna blinked. “I didn’t hear it. You might be hearing things.”

“No, I didn’t.” The first employee shook her head adamantly.

“Odd. We’re alone here, but there’s someone moaning? Wait, it can’t be…” Lisanna shivered, and her voice started trembling. “This place can’t be haunted, right?”

The first employee shrieked, and she blanched. “That’s just nonsense, Lisanna. There are no ghosts. It’s still morning. Stop scaring me.”

“I’m not scaring you. You said you heard things but we’re alone here, so who made that sound? It’s either a ghost, or you must have been hearing things,” Lisanna said seriously.

The first employee gulped. “D-Do you think this place is really haunted?”

“Who knows?” Lisanna shook her head fearfully.

The employee held the cleaning cloth. “Why don’t we hotfoot it out of here, Lisanna? You’re scaring me, and I’m getting the heebie jeebies.”

“But we haven’t finished cleaning the room.” Lisanna wanted to go out, but she hesitated.

Her colleague held her arm. “Forget it. It’s not even dirty, and this room isn’t used too much. It’s fine, so let’s just leave. I’m really getting scared here.”

“You’re right. Let’s go.”

The employees took their cleaning tools and left the room as soon as possible.

Sonia was looking absolutely stormy and annoyed after hearing that. “They… They called me a ghost? That’s just too far.” I don’t look like a ghost.

“Yeah, it is.” Toby nodded. “Ghosts are ugly, but you’re hot. They just can’t see the difference.”

Sonia rolled her eyes. “It’s all your fault. I wouldn’t have done this if it weren’t for you.” She pushed him away and sat up, then she combed through her hair with her hand. “This is the first time I’m hiding under a table.”

“Me too.” Toby sat up and straightened out his suit.

Sonia grumbled, “You brought this on yourself. I told you to let me go, but you took me straight under the table.”

Toby smiled. “If we didn’t hide, they would have seen us. Even if we hadn’t done anything, there would still be rumors flying around tomorrow. Wanna bet?”


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