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Bring Your A Game, Mr novel Chapter 10

After getting back to the Griffith Residence, Elise breathed a sigh of relief. So much had happened today, and she still had trouble making sense of it all.

While she was in the car just now, she studied Alexander’s face closely through the rearview mirror, but it was so dark in the car that she didn’t get to see his expression clearly. She had thought a lot about ‌it on their way home, but she still couldn’t figure out why he would step in all of a sudden. It would have been more in character for him to just stand by and look on. Maybe he’s not one to judge people by their looks? An actual good guy perhaps?

Without giving it much thought, she went back to her room and changed out of the evening dress. After deliberately putting on a pair of old-fashioned pajamas, she walked into Alexander’s study; placed on the desk were a tall stack of documents and several photos scattered here and there. “Here’s your suit jacket. Thanks for helping me out just now.”

Alexander shot a glance at the woman standing in front of his desk. Then, he replied expressionlessly, “You don’t need to give it back to me.”


Elise replied, “If you think it’s dirty, I can send it to the dry-cleaner’s.”


Alexander raised his head to look at her. “I don’t want it anymore,” he replied slowly.

Elise felt suffocated for a second before she replied with a sneer, “You’re leaving this to me? Then I’ll throw it away.” With that, she threw the suit jacket into the trash can.


After throwing away the suit jacket, she shifted her gaze to Alexander, who was sitting on the couch and reading the document he was holding without saying a word. Upon seeing this, she felt like she was being snubbed. At first, she had wanted to wash the suit jacket, return it, and express her thanks, but it seemed that she had read too much into his act of kindness. She turned around to leave, only to find Danny standing perfectly still at the door. “Excuse me,” she said snappishly.

Danny furiously shifted his gaze to Elise when he saw the suit jacket in the trash can. “Is this your doing?”


Confronted by his strange question, Elise replied with a straight face, “Yeah, why?”


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